Has anyone's follow up app been canx? - Endometriosis UK

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Has anyone's follow up app been canx?

RTC9 profile image
9 Replies

I had my first lap in sept and follow up app was meant to be next week but they have canx it cos the consultant is on a training course in London!!! The next app is in January. I'm so pissed off, they told me I have a blocked tube after the op and I'm just in limbo now... What does this mean, who do I speak to in the meantime??


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9 Replies
Chrissie66 profile image


It sounds mad but I'd take it as a compliment. They could easily have rescheduled you with one of the consultant's house doctors but instead they want you to see the consultant him/herself.

Also, they obviously think that whatever they found doesn't need to be attended to urgently or they would have whipped you back into hospital, consultant or no consultant.

It is a complete pain, and you could contact the hospital's Patient Advice And Liaison service but unfortunately it's probably not going to change things. Take the January appointment in the knowledge that by waiting, you'll get the best treatment.

And in the meantime don't worry about terms like blocked tube - it could mean absolutely anything but as I said, if it was serious and time was of the essence, they would have you back in there like a shot

C xxx

RTC9 profile image
RTC9 in reply to Chrissie66

Thank u so much, I know you're right but not sure of what to do in the meantime. Keep TTC?? Xx

Chrissie66 profile image

I would say so, yes :)

I was told 20 years ago that I'd never conceive because of the state of my insides - I did, entirely naturally, with no help. Well, apart from the father, obviously! :D

Forget about it now until after Christmas. And have fun, obviously!

C xxx

RTC9 profile image
RTC9 in reply to Chrissie66

That's really reassuring, I am going to try and enjoy life and not dwell on this too much as I know it'll happen, just gotta be patient. Thank u again xx

Miwa profile image

Sorry to hear your appointment was cancelled. I too wasdiagnosed with a blocked tubes (hydrosalpinx is the medical term). This means that they put blue dye down your tubes and in a healthy open tube, the dye should trickle out of the end. When a tube is blocked it is unable to trickle out of the end. This means that sperm cannot swim up that tube as it is blocked. If they said it was only one tube, then that is ok, as you still have one tube that is open. Unfortunately both my tubes were blocked. It also depends on which end is blocked. It was the top end of mine that was blocked, not the uterus end. The tubes fill with fluid sometimes described as "toxic" which in my case dripped into the uterus cavity and reduced the chance of IVF working. So I opted to have both my tubes removed to increase my chances of pregnancy. The other option I was given was to have them tied, but this can cause future problems and you can get pain from the blocked tubes themselves.

Since my op, where I also had radical excision of all my endo, i feel so much better. my energy levels have dramatically increased and my pain levels have dropped significantly. I think it was because it was like carrying an infection for 15 years, as I no longer have the toxic fluid dripping into my uterine cavity.

So i guess you need to find out which end is blocked, and if it will affect your ability to conceive in the future.

I hope this helps.


RTC9 profile image
RTC9 in reply to Miwa

Thanks Miwi, I think that's why I'm frustrated, the last thing I want is to get pregnant and have a miscarriage because of where the tube is blocked. I'm going to keep ttc so just hope it goes to the right place. The tube is blocked on my right where I had the endo removed so my left is fine according to the bit of paper I got after the op. I know that my consultant will shove IVF leaflets at me as he did that before I had the lap. I do count myself lucky that its not as bad as others on here and just hope it's not to long before I have a healthy baby.

I'm glad your op went really well, must make a difference. Where are u in the process now that uve opted for both tubes to be removed, r u having IVF?


RTC9 profile image
RTC9 in reply to RTC9

Sorry Miwa xx

Miwa profile image

OUr second IVF after the op failed and I am waiting to have another round of IVF in the new year. I needed some time off from it, as it is so psychologically draining. I really hope that you get pregnant soon and it results in a healthy baby.


RTC9 profile image
RTC9 in reply to Miwa

I can imagine it is, I really hope that its third time lucky for you, all the best and pls let me know if u get your BFP xxx

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