My journey started 26 years ago, I passed out in a toilet at collage. I was studying nursery nursing. I was told I have ovarian cysts. The start of a never ending pain cycle of hell. As the years of gone by and every 6 months I would end up back in hospital, it's women's problems here try this pill, coil, implants, let us stuff you with pain medication until your are well enough to deal with this at home. My first catch of a pregnancy was the bell that rung for my diagnosis Endometriosis. The baby was severely deformed and after giving birth she was lost between morgues before the autopsy could be completed. But after nearly dying after a hemorrhage, my diagnosis of years of woman's problems is Endometriosis. After 12 years of trying after our first I went back to the people I couldn't trust and ask for help. The first question was why I haven't you been back too see us (we are skipping the uncomfortable bits) I have a wonderful and one of a kind 7 years old.
My long winded question is this. Even after going through hell and back after having a flare up gain. Does it feel like I am back at the start having to explain myself and the reason for the pain? Shouldn't it all be on the record? When is enough a enough? As a working woman, a mum, a wife. I can't through the towel in and end it. So what I am left with is how do I life like this?