Hi everyone,
I’m new here and I really need support as the specialists are throwing my mental health to the bin, in particular -ironically- gynaecologists.
I’ve been struggling with heavy pelvic and abdominal pain for like 7 years or more now, but even before I don’t remember ever having to not deal with a fair amount of pain.
When the pain however stopped me from walking and moving freely, sleep is impossible and my belly can increase up to 3 sizes and go back like a balloon I tried to search for help.
Gp and specialists said to me all sort of things, sometimes borderline insults and tried to tell me that ovaries cause no such pain.
Tired of all this I spent my own money (with struggle) to have an MRI which showed an enlarged uterus, intramural fibroids everywhere and a large 6cm pedunculate fibroid on the left side pushing my uterus in the right. The private gynaecologist diagnose was adenomyosis. Weirdly he also implied that “most women with adenomyosis have no pain so I should check somewhere else”.
The Gyno in the NHS hospital I’ve been referred to, didn’t even want to see the MRI, but they finally booked a laparoscopy to “see what’s wrong”.
Done laparoscopy, they did not remove the big external fibroid, stating that it cannot be the cause of my pain and sent me to an orthopaedic for the legs.
I’ve been now to 3 different orthopaedic/physiotherapist and I got another MRI that showed I have no issue with muscles/bones/nerves but the fibroid seems to be pushing on some nerves causing me pain.
They prescribed me amytryptilin for nerve pain but I would like something that helps me sort the issue.
To date, the gynaecologist still insist what I have does not cause any leg pain or problem to legs or the bloating I have. I feel tired for fighting to get my symptoms validated and sometimes doubt myself.
I suppose I just wanted to share this and know that my symptoms are real, because I am so tired of being dismissed and gaslighted.
Thanks even just for reading