hi has anyone gone private for zoladex in London? I’m trying to find a clinic/dr but struggling. My GP refuses without gyno and the referral for them on the NHS is so long. Any recommendations for individuals welcomed please, thanks.
Zoladex privately in London?: hi has anyone... - Endometriosis UK
Zoladex privately in London?
Hi. No advice re private prescription but I have been in a similar position - my waiting time for a consultation is 80 weeks. I didn't take any action to begin with but then contacted the gyno's secretary and asked to pass on my concerns re long waiting times and no treatment. They phoned back and sent authorisation to GP for hormonal therapy. Perhaps, you could try the same..
If I had this time again I would have gone and found a good medical herbalist, there are wonderful herbs that can help with endo. I found out too late for my fertility/age, but was helped massively by a herb called Vitex agnus castus, but its best to see a herbalist as they can prescribe the right doseage/herb for you and your circumstances. There's always more than one way to solve a problem!
Go to private endo specialist and they'll put you on it. I started in January but I'd be waiting to see him until July 24 if I'd gone NHS route x
Hi, it cosy £200 for first consultation then he wrote to my GP saying I needed to go onto it. I paid for an MRI scan as needed to know extent of endometriosis and then I had another consultation with him. Total cost £880