Two different ultrasound results - Endometriosis UK

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Two different ultrasound results

Cutiepatootie profile image
4 Replies

private ultrasound findings 2 months ago : left ovary immobile , tender and located in pod (pouch of Douglas) suggesting of adhesions

nhs scan on Monday:

ovaries look normal no adhesions and free fluid was found in pouch of Douglas deepest pool at 4mm

they said it wasn’t located near my pod either

two different results … what do i do? get another opinion?

does this sound like endometriosis?

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4 Replies
Tangoandmax profile image

Do you know if the NHS ultrasound results were reviewed by someone with a specialism in Endometriosis?

I’ve had 8 ultrasounds on the NHS over the past 7 years, it’s only on the latest which was carried out/reviewed by someone with a special interest in endo/adenomyosis that my issues were picked up. Standard radiologist don’t know what they’re looking for.

If you’re seeking treatment on NHS, I would advise them of the private findings which contradict and request an MRI to be reviewed by their specialist, I’ve been told all hospitals should now have one.

Hope this helps!

Cutiepatootie profile image
Cutiepatootie in reply to Tangoandmax

i will definitely need to find out but I highly doubt so. i had been told my scan was normal with the NHS on the day and then had phone call from my GP stating about the free fluid in my pouch of Douglas. she said she’s going to send that off to someone else. i haven’t had any answers yet.

it’s crazy on how the results are dependent on how well the specialist knows about endo/adeno. that’s good you got answers- hope you’re doing well.

my gp referred me to an mri scan but haven’t had anything about it so perhaps forgotten about that. so will definitely chase it up. really do hope that i can get answers with this scan because they originally dismissed me a couple years ago as my gynaecologist stated i had a normal ultrasound and MRI when i never had an MRI.

you’ve definitely helped. it helps me understand that it’s dependent on who reads the images / scan and how well they know about these diseases.

thanks a lot!

Avourneen profile image

The one you got done privately gives results that strongly show endo. The one you had done on the NHS sunds as though it was done by a sonograhper who has no knowledge of endo, you need a specialist sonographer but just use the priavte one and go to a gynae they will suggest what your next steps should be. It sounds like it has been notcied before it has become terible my POD is obliterated with lesions, this is a common finding and they should be able to release the ovary. This might give you a long period of being pain free before things get worse. Go to your gynae with the private scan.

Cutiepatootie profile image
Cutiepatootie in reply to Avourneen

i did think so as well. then this scan made me feel that perhaps the private scan was wrong even though i have the images on my phone proving otherwise as my left ovary is hidden by the looks of it and definitely different to the right. my gynaecologist gave me a phone call due to my gp telling her about my private results so that’s how I got another NHS scan.

i will need to chase up the gynaecologist as i only had a phone call appointment with her and was unable to show the private images but having a face to face one in October to discuss with my new pill so will bring it up then. am i allowed to show her private imaging results?

does free fluid mean anything or is that totally normal to have that much? my gp is sending it off to someone so hopefully will get answers from that part.

Im also suffering with pulling sensations which I reckon are adhesions and having bladder issues. i hope they find answers soon as its so exhausting . really do hope they can fix the ovary too🙏🏼

sorry to hear about your situation though too.

thank you so much for the help ☺️

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