Hi, has anyone seen the benefit in having an MRI to look for any changes in ovaries,uterus, adhesions compared to having a transvaginal ultrasound? Is it more detailed? I have severe endometriosis so it's quite hard to see my ovaries for on a normal scan.
MRI vs transvaginal Ultrasound - Endometriosis UK
MRI vs transvaginal Ultrasound

Yes, I have had both. MRI is 100% more detailed and changed my diagnosis slightly, as they were able to pick up exactly what was going on, rather than guess - which is what they seemed to do with the ultrasound.
yes, had both and the mri found all my endo, would defo recommend it, x
yes! Definitely better to have an MRI I have severe endo but when I had the MRI I was also diagnosed with adneomyosis too and then my surgery date and what they would operate on changed. Transvaginal scan picked up ‘uterine fibroids’ what I actually had was a 6 inch adenoma (tumour) in my womb. Have the MRI!
MRI 100%! Had a transvaginal scan first and nothing was picked up while MRI a few months later showed endo behind rectum…
my MRI showed adenomyosis whilst transvaginal scan only showed a cyst in ovary and it was also very painful for me x
I had 7 ultra-sounds which picked up fluid in one fallopian tube, the MRI picked up endo all over my abdomen including my colon being adhered to the wall of the abdomen and my womb was twice the size it should be, plus fibroids.
So, yes, the MRI is usually better. I had mine in 2015 and at that time only the more modern machines could detect endo. I think the GPs still haven't caught up with the technology and don't realise that MRI is better than an ultrasound.
They are both equally good but it has to be remembered that ultrasound for deep endo must be done by an advanced operator and MRI with the correct endo protocol.
I was never offered an MRI for this, I had a few ultrasounds but none picked up the endometriosis. They couldn’t find my left ovary which apparently can indicate endo but I wasn’t told this at the time. Mine was found via an operation to remove cysts and tubes and ovaries. Part of an ovary had to left behind due to endo.