Hi all! I am new to here but like many searching for answers and wanting to speak to people in the same position! I am 42, I was diagnosed with endo back in 2014 by having a lap and then told me I was riddled in it. I have since managed to fall pregnant 3 times and have 1 daughter! However in the last year I have been having all sorts of pelvic pain (like period cramping).My period has not come this month and this pain has been consistent for 3 weeks or so. I am also on day 33 of cycle and usually it is spot on (i am not pregnant) but for last 3 months my period has been going a little funny. Last April I had to have a Ct scan for something and they told my my cervix was a little bulky and then went to see a gyno who looked inside with a camera and said all was ok.
I also had an internal scan in December and they found nothing however I went to doctors on Monday with my concerns - painful sex, discharge, pelvic and leg pain, periods going funny, feel a little sick and more tired. They took lots of bloods and my CA125 and red blood count came back a little raised so been referred for the 2 week appointment at the hospital! Freaking out! I see others have had raised CA125 but has anyone had raised red blood cells, discharge etc.?
Thanks everyone x