Useless Consultants: Has anyone else had a... - Endometriosis UK

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Useless Consultants

23 Replies

Has anyone else had a useless consultant? Had my telephone appointment told her all my 20 year history again( she hadn’t looked at my notes as she couldn’t find them) then proceeded to tell her that I’ve had a 6 week bleed, constant pain and now a throbbing/stabbing pain near my right ovary. The response was call your GP and get the Mirina coil fitted again and try to get a referral to a bigger hospital...

Just the answers I wanted😩

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23 Replies
plotments profile image

Are these people for real.....and yes had bad experiences with didn't even ask me about history or symptoms just asked "do you feel your pain is impacting your life" when I replied yes he said "right I'll put you on my list for surgery" !!!

It really is shocking how dismissive these professionals are. I tried asking for a scan but she just didn’t listen. So now I’m going to have to wait for another referral to a “bigger hospital”...

plotments profile image
plotments in reply to

I don't think a lot of them realise the impact it has on our lives with what they say

Why didn't she do the referral.....why should you have to chase things up again....and why would you even want to think about having a coil fitted when your bleeding and in pain for so long???

I do hope your ok after such a negative consultation....its hard when you wait so long for that appointment an get no where!!

Take care

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to

The GP can arrange scans, as well as referral try asking for MRI, it would save some time.

Can’t believe doctors at times. Maybe she was more registrar than consultant. At least she knew her limits, so possibly not a bad thing to get better treatment

Jessica-x profile image

What a crappy response that is. After that I would definitely go back to the GP and get referred to another hospital - but I know it’s a ball ache having to go through all your years of history again but it could be worth it! Someone out there does care and would do what they can for you. I had the same response this week due to horrific pain and bleeding I got sent to the gynae assessment unit was there for 4hours just to be basically told here’s some more medication to take but i can’t make a decision on your treatment your own consultant needs to do that even though I’ve been waiting to see him since April!

in reply to Jessica-x

Again another crappy response. This is such a debilitating disease people who don’t have it just don’t realise the impact if has in our lives. Luckily for me I teach in a school do an able to work from home during the hols I honestly don’t think I would be able to work 47 weeks a year, I would be off sick quite regularly.

Jessica-x profile image
Jessica-x in reply to

I don’t think there is enough information out there about the disease or awareness of it until someone you know has had it that’s the only way people find out about the disease and what the symptoms are.

It’s like oh it’s only a women’s problem we don’t need to advertise it out there as much. However one thing that does anymore and get my back up is when people say it’s only period pain, we all get it. But it’s NOT! It really isn’t just a normal period pain!

It has a massive impact on our lives in so many of different ways not just physically but mentally also - I can find it very draining.

Oh that’s brill. Yes I’ve had a couple of issues with my sickness in the past And been staged with having this condition and I work at the bloody hospital doing 12 and a half hour shifts! But thankfully I’m hoping that is resolved now. It’s has made me feel like I’m being punished for having a condition that I really don’t want to have! I go to work regardless of how bad i am nowadays unless i am literally a patient myself lying in a hospital bed because I can’t control the pain myself at home anymore and this is because I worry about my sickness record and losing my job. Luckily the sisters on my ward now are very good with me and can see when I’m struggling with my flare ups now and will send me home and tell me I am stupid for dragging my self into work when I’m literally crippled over in pain and can’t stand up straight and holding back the tears.

in reply to Jessica-x

That’s awful and we shouldn’t be put in the position that means work or a disciplinary.

Lily1986 profile image

God that’s awful!! I’m so sorry you haven’t received the attention and treatment you rightly deserve!

I’ve had many similar experiences in the past,

Do you they not realise how long you have probably had to wait for that appointment?

It’s awful that we have to do it but i ended up having to go privately for treatment of stage 4 endo and it cost about £150 and was the best thing I ever did as got to see a rare endometriosis specialist consultant had a as long as I needed to talk about everything I needed thoroughly.

After that initial consultant it speeds up any further referrals for recommended investigations and treatments that can be done on the nhs.

So angry at the treatment we receive it’s such a painful condition and physically and mentally draining.

Best wishes to you xxx

Jessica-x profile image
Jessica-x in reply to Lily1986

It is such a shame to hear that you had to pay privately at first thought to speed up the treatments on the NHS. It just isn’t right

Linley profile image

Not very helpful no bedside matter. So many GPs/consultants suggest the coil as the treatment as its cheaper than sending us all for MRI, Laps but its not suitable for all us ladies. Contact your GP to arrange scans

in reply to Linley

Yea I think that’s going to be an option to be honest I just want to know where the endo is & if I have any other options other than pain killers & mirena. I think I will also look at having a private consultation as well.

Linley profile image
Linley in reply to


Jessica-x profile image
Jessica-x in reply to Linley

a lot do suggest the mirena coil - but maybe that’s because the research that has been done shows that the coil has the higher success rate maybe? I don’t know I’m clutching at straws but there is so many more options than that.. the is different types of pills you can take, there are different types of injections to have. 12 years later and after going through all the different types possible ive only ever had luck with with one injection that works for me - which I can’t stay on for more than 3-6months and can hardly ever have only so many years apart right now because of my age and bones! thats the injection that puts you on early menopause and then HRT along side it. I went through this when I was 18 and then 23 the side affects were horrible with me though. So apart from that nothing else works for me apart from the laparoscopy so I’m screwed. But anyway just remember that there are plenty of options to work through to see what suits you personally better

in reply to Jessica-x

Yea I know that feeling I was on Zoladex and HRT for 10 years. I had a bone density scan every 3 due to the side effects. Last year I came off everything, Zoladex and had the mirena removed just to give my body a break after 20 years of treatment inc 3 laps. This was against the DR’s and consultants advice but it was what I felt like I had to do and don’t see why I should be punished now just because I am struggling with the lack of treatment available to me.

I am contemplating having the mirena put back in but if I do it will be my choice.

Jessica-x profile image
Jessica-x in reply to

At the end of the day you’ve got to do what you want and what feels right to you and your body! The doctors can only advise and suggest what they think is best but at the end of the day they don’t know your body and they don’t have to live and suffer with the symptoms or side effects

lucikam profile image

I am wondering any of you did the "clapping" thing for these NHS "heroes".

in reply to lucikam


Dartmouth93 profile image

I’m sorry you had such a crappy experience 😞 I’ve had rubbish doctors and consultants over the years - one DR actually laughed when I asked him if I could have endometriosis. My consultant referred me for a lap last year despite her thinking I ‘just have IBS’ and because of my anxiety I’m over thinking my symptoms..I’m due to have it next week but it took years of going back and forth to the DRs to get yeah I understand you frustration! Keep fighting for answers xx

in reply to Dartmouth93

Thank you I’m not giving up, I am not going to be fobbed off I want to be heard. I am nearing menopause and know this is not going to be the end of it. I have spent the last 20 years just doing what dr’s and consultants have told me and it’s not worked 😩

Bristol44 profile image

Oh yes, and this is a well-known consultant in the UK as well! This was in 2018 in Bristol. He first left me standing at the door with my coat on, did not introduce himself and did not offer me a chair. I had previously to wait 25 years to be diagnosed and my luck only came when I moved to Germany. I had 3 surgeries in Germany in 2012, the professor in Munich who performed the first one is a world-authority and told me he had never seen endo like this in his life. This guy back in the UK told me that he could see without examining me through my coat that I did not have endo, "as all German doctors were amateurs". When I pushed him, he rougly examined me, leaving me bleeding severely. He said "as I told you, no endo". He sent me for a ultra-sound, as anybody knows, you cannot see a lot of endo on an ultrasound. He also told me "if you push for a lap, I am just going to sew you back up without doing anything". My GP tried to issue a complaint, but nothing was done as this guy is untouchable.

in reply to Bristol44

Omg that is just awful sounds like the consultant I saw in Sheffield

sarahfairbrook profile image

They are so useless! I had one a few weeks ago when I was in A&E due to the pain and swelling water retention. He kept telling me I had gall stones or an inflamed liver and I kept replying that it was more likely to be something Endo-related (I still haven’t had a diagnosis). He dismissed this an patronisingly kept saying ‘it’s not cancer if that’s what you’re worried about’. Clearly he wasn’t listening to a word I was saying.

The next day I had a ultrasound and the doctor there listened to everything I said, agreed it was something like Endo, and fast tracked my referral to the gynaecologist.

All it takes is for one medical professional to listen and take you seriously. Sadly, it’s harder than it sounds

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