Histology: Does anyone know how long it... - Endometriosis UK

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Does anyone know how long it takes for histology results to come back once you have had hysterectomy?

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Hi there, I had total abdominal hysterectomy with my ovaries and cervix removed on 10 March, so just before lockdown . My biopsies came back on 30 March which was much longer than anticipated - all clear thankfully but I did keep ringing just to at least see where I was in the system . They came back quite quickly but I had to wait for the report to reviewed fully by my consultant who then wrote me a letter with a full summary. I hope you are feeling better ?

in reply to 45Bumbleb

I'm 14 days post op today so hoping to hear something soon. Yes I'm getting my energy back although not managed a propper trip out yet managed to go get staples removed but don't think I'm quite ready for a day trip out yet I get quite sore and uncomfortable when walking far I feel fine on the outside but internally for sure still healing xx