The doctors love wasting my time so much. Sorry if this turns into a rant but I’m fuming.
I always have to see junior doctors who don’t know much haha and I have to repeat my story all the time. Anyways he dismissed the endo specialists report and opinions of him suspecting I have pelvic endometriosis. The specialist at Spire felt tenderness in my Adnexal area (ovaries and uterus) and suprapubic region.
However the junior doctor just told me this is all normal and everyone feels severe tenderness and pain when being pressed on their stomach 🙄 (my mum doesn’t).
I asked the doctor today if scans can change over a year and he said yeah but I still don’t think you have PCOS as I don’t have all the symptoms but my testosterone is still high after a year. I still have no info about what is causing it and how to fix it.
The ultrasound was clear last year but what if it’s changed now and the doctors are dismissing it. I feel like it’s all in my head and I’m not being taken seriously at all. Only person who did was the specialist at spire.
Does anyone have endometriosis but only has a handful of symptoms. Like I have regular periods now but they are so painful and heavy. Also can endo be missed on an ultrasound?