What were/are your symptoms before diagno... - Endometriosis UK

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What were/are your symptoms before diagnosis? Helpful to those still in the dark...

FuzzyFrog profile image
4 Replies

It would be useful to me, and probably those like me who've not yet had a diagnosis but are suffering symptoms of possible endo, to know what others suffered before diagnosis or are currently experiencing without yet having a diagnosis. If any of you wouldn't mind it would be helpful to hear everyone's story in one place to compare. Thanks!

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4 Replies
Lovisa profile image

Before I was diagnosed I had this horrendous pain before my period started the period it self was like a crime scene with the amount of bleeding and the large clots but the worst part for me was coming off a period, my whole hip and right leg were so bad I'd spend days in bed crying and rocking my period would only last 4/6 days but the coming off pain would last another week or so, having a bm while on a period was my worst nightmare as the pain felt like I was passing glass and razors. "shudder"

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

I had bad periods since I was young. Heavy and full of clots. Suffered with real bad constipation young too. Fatigue really bad. Would end up in hospital when young with real bad lower abdomen pain could never find the answer except constipation. Put on birth control for years mirena pill depo. After I had my daughter things changed from constipation to ibs like more loose stools than constipation. Blood in urine non visible all month visible when on. Bleeding from bum when on. Bowel movements agony nausea headaches before more pain after period. Constant lower back pain gets worse ovulation and period. Ovulation pain is crazy shooting pains stabbing pains up bum can't sit walk or anything just have to cry it out. Emotionally drained physically look and feel double my age. Upsets me loads.

George21 profile image

I started with abdominal pain all month round probably about 5 out of 10 and then when I was due to be ovulating (I was trying to get pregnant) and due my period it would go up to 8 out of ten. It was like somebody was trying to ram two screwdrivers in my abdomen (I imagine). Had been trying to get pregnant for 7 years and the consultant said this was probably the reason. Had multiple infections for the first time in my life; urine infection, kidney infection and a third confirmed by blood tests (never did figure out where that was) they removed my appendix to figure out there was nothing wrong with it. All of this was in the space of six months. One thing I will say is don't ever give up on getting an answer my local hospital told me I had "unexplained chronic pain and nothing could be done". Your body is telling you something's wrong when things are out of the ordinary be it infections or pain. It took a while and a very supportive husband but I finally got an answer, now being properly treated for the condition I've got and feel as close to normal as possible for the first time in four years. I strongly believe there is NO SUCH THING AS UNEXPLAINED CHRONIC PAIN" just lazy doctors in some places.

in reply to George21

I totally agree with you, some doctors ignore symptoms and just see pain.

My periods weren't painful till this year and I've had them for almost 10 years now.

I also got my period at 8 which is worrisome, and when I got it I had diahrea and my abdomen hurt really bad but after that no pain. My dr sent me for every test b/c I had bowel issues once a month for no reason.

Then I went to her at 16 (last year) for extremely heavy and long periods and she gave me naproxen and I was so confused b/c they weren't painful. Then a few months later I ended up in the ER from pain and they found fluid and told me to go on the pill.

I got a kidney stone from the pill and then kidney pain every period and the doctors told me that it was caused by endo and they couldn't do anything. Even my gyno she just wants to give me pills b/c of my age.

Another gyno I saw told me I had IBS and chronic pelvic pain caused by my thoracic curve of my spine that I was told by a spine surgeon can't cause it.

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