So after my last lap I was told I have rectovaginal endo, I'm finding it hard to find a lot about this online is it a different type of endo or just because it's in a different area I feel silly for not knowing much when I have it? Has anyone else been told they have this??
Rectovaginal endo??: So after my last lap I... - Endometriosis UK
Rectovaginal endo??

I'd give a lovely lady on here called Lindle a message and ask her if she could explain things for you, she's great!xx
I have a large rectovaginal nodule about the size of a golfball. It's endo that grows down between the vagina and bowel and is surgically very difficult to treat. If you're not at a BSGE centre please make sure you get yourself referred to one as they are best placed to help you with this.
this is quite informative

Hello, i am sure lindle will correct me if i am wrong, but i think rv endo is the same as pouch of douglas, the same behind your womb where baby grows into. If this is so, my pod is obilerated by adhesions. Its all endo just in another area of your body.
my understanding is that they're not quite the same thing - an obliterated POD (which I also have) means that the uterus is stuck to the rectum with scar tissue and this is usually a sign that there will be more endometriosis between the uterus/vagina and rectum lower down.
There's a good explanation of it here
As seb88 says rectovaginal disease is where the pouch of Douglas is affected by endo and or adhesions. My POD was completely obliterated by endo. As already said make sure you're under a specialist. Good luck x