Has anyone ever had pain when trying to sit down ( the only way to explain as if you've put a tampax in the wrong way) too much info but I feel as if all my insides are inflamed and I get a stabbing pain trying to sit this is a new pain I am back at the hospital this week after my MRI showed nothing and no endometriosis what do you guys suggest I do I really can't go on like this anymore the pain is everyday and I feel so depressed any help is appreciated xx
Hi Girls : Has anyone ever had pain when... - Endometriosis UK
Hi Girls

Yes all the time, as a general rule it's when my bowel is in spasm, I apply heat to my lower abdomen and it really helps, also really high fibre diet and no spices. Mint (preferably fresh), raw cabbage/kale, pears and raw ginger are all really good for calming the gut also drinking water with lemon/lime, ginger, cucumber and mint infused in with it is great for keeping your gastro system ticking over. I also do yoga which is really good for getting everything to calm down. The problem is when you are in pain you naturally clench and your muscles take the burden.
I have recurring deep endometriosis so I feel your pain (in the butt!!!) but don't despair keep persevering you will find something that helps. One day the docs will stop relying on scans to show evidence of endo and listen to the patient!
Chin up xxx
Hi, You're not alone with this one, tends to be bladder/bowel/wind related with me. Also tends to happen more often when I am experiencing left hip/back/groin pain.
have you had a laporscopy, or is that your next step?.
I have had 3 but not had one since 2012 when I got sterilised and I was told that all was clear but it's been 3 years since then.
I had endo in 2000 and I had it removed.
Hi, Yes I suffered this when I was younger, in my 20,30,s. I am now 52 and still receiving treatment. I have not long ago had a C.T SCAN, and at the end of Dec. I go in for the Double Camera Treatment [throat and back passage]. I have also had 4 Laps over the years. but like a lot of other women on this page it was TOO DANGEROUS. I Hope you get Help and Better Treatment Soon. No One Should Have To Suffer This Horrible Disease!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sending you my Love and Best Wishes, Moira x
I Pray they Help you Soon ! No Woman or Girl should go through this Soul Destroying Disease. Thankyou for your response, Moira.xx
I truly feel for you. Don't know if this is still continuing for you?
I have had that pain for around 10 years now. Four weeks ago it became unbearable and I was struggling with my bowel so I had my fourth laparoscopy and, after 25 years of tummy pain, I've been told I have endo with a large mass in my pelvis. Having seen the photos of the op, I find it difficult to understand how they could have missed this all this time! I was referred to the hospital a few years ago because I had a bulge from my vagina. I was told I had a "small prolapse and it shouldn't be painful". Except now I'm being told that this painful bulge is actually the mass. I was also operated on to have my womb removed by the "top endo specialist" in my area four years ago. I'd like to know how he managed to miss this! Hope that you have had better results than me and that it doesn't turn out the way mine has. Best wishes, Gwen x