Advice: Hi I am hoping someone can help us... - Endometriosis UK

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Hi I am hoping someone can help us. My partner has suffered Endo for 30 years and has had various surgical procedures to deal with it. She is 43 and approximately 3 years ago she had her tubes clipped on the advice of her Consultant on the basis we would look at trying IVF and the fluid that flows from the tubes can be damaging to IVF treatment and was a possible cause as to why she had not fallen pregnant to date.

Since having the tubes clipped she has suffered abdominal pain and our sex life is nothing like it use to be. We recently went to see a private clinic that specialises and understands women that have Endo issues to discuss proceeding with IVF where she had an FSH test done which came back very low.

My partner is normally very regular every 23 days with her cycle but in the past 5 months as now she has been some 10 days late with no signs of her cycle starting but all the symptoms.

For some 8 years I have tried to understand her Endo symptoms, mood swings tiredness, independence in terms of shutting me out etc but the past 3 years have been tougher.

I have recently tried to find answers myself as to whether she could be going through menopause and there are a number of explanations as possibilities but one I have recently found is this PTLS (Post Tubal Litigation Syndrome) which when I read the possible side effects my partner seems to have had a number of them especially the flushes and tiredness loss of libido and headaches etc. She cant look at having the clips removed as this will not allow us to have the IVF treatment.

Could it be that the clips have caused this early Menopause or is it due to the fact she has more cycles through her life than say the average woman?

We have been advised to look at Donor IVF due to the chances of her producing quality eggs are less than slim but she is adamant that she would like to see if she can produce her egg for a child my fear is I am not sure she is physiologically strong enough for that :o(

I have read many articles on PTLS and it would seem it is not recognised generally but would like to hear from and couples/ladies/Men that have or are going through the same issues.

My partner due to the nature of the GP's attitudes she has seen over the years has very little faith in seeing them as they are exactly that "general" and have little time to try and understand her situation or Endo and its impact on peoples lives.

In summary my view is the PTLS has had an effect and the fact that her FSH is very low and her 3 late cycle point towards early Menopause but would be grateful if anyone can suggest anything else.

Thanks K

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2 Replies

Hi Lindle thank you for your advice it is very useful but my partners cycles are usually every 23 days ish this is the second time in 4 months that she has gone 34 days but this time as yet there is no sign of her period yet she is getting the flushes and clammy feeling.

I will find out her fsh score tomorrow but currently her symptoms are also constant bad headaches, occasional sharp pains in her abdomen and tiredness. With her tubes clipped is more than unlikely she will have fallen pregnant as we have done tests before more in hope than anything else.

We think we might see if we can get her referred for an Mri scan as an ultrasound picks up nothing of significance we have been told.


Hi Lindle thanks for your help. unfortunately my partner cant have a reversal if we want to pursue IVF as we have been told the fluid produced from the tubes is likely to be what is causing the egg/embryo (not sure of the technical term) to stick to the wall of the womb. We are going to see the doctor this week and see if we can get referred so i will look at your listing also as well as contact the private clinic we have been to re the IVF to see what they say. Thanks K

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