is it ok to go and ask for a smear at any point?
Smear: is it ok to go and ask for a smear... - Endometriosis UK

My mum demanded I had one when I was 18/19. So ask because if you don't you never know and they actually gave me one because of everything I had going on.
hope everything ok, I had one when a was 19/20 a thought it's every 3 years , I read up a story about something and it's made me want one to be on the safe side
Hi, I don't know how old you are but if you are having worrying symptoms I would demand a smear. I was 21 when I first had symptoms that I know understand were the early signs of endo. It took me 3 years to get diagnosed and just edits that I finally got a smear 'just incase' even though I was still only 24. Even though during this time they did a laparoscopy and found endo, my smear came back with high grade abnormalities and had to be treated. 6 months on and I'm wondering what might have happened if I hadn't asked for a smear 'just incase'. None of my symptoms were from the abnormal smear but just by chance they found the abnormalities. Sorry for the long reply but I don't want anyone to get their symptoms ignored!x
I think any changes should be checked out! And if you had one 3 years ago you should be able to ask for another! It's always best to put your mind at ease, I was a mess for months worrying but in the end I'm glad I checked out all possibilities. I'm sure you will be fine but if you're trying for a baby the doc should understand you want a full check up. Good luck!x
Make an appt to see your doctor and explain why you want one cos thy can be funny about giving you another one if you are not due for one yet x