I'm having a laparoscopy 24th February an... - Endometriosis UK

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I'm having a laparoscopy 24th February and I'm only 16 as they think I have endo, What's it like as I'm very scared? Thanks in advance.

Robync100 profile image
18 Replies
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18 Replies
Nat18 profile image

Hi Robync100

I'm sorry that they suspect you have endo at such a young age it must be quite scary for you.

Try and not worry too much about the lap though it is not that bad at all. At least you will hopefully find out if you have it or not!! Better to know so it can be treated early.

Just make sure you rest up for a few days after,as you can get some pain from the gas they fill you with. Always handy to have some peppermint tea in before hand as that helps ease it a bit.

Good luck and try not to worry too much maybe distract yourself with something you enjoy to do.

Sending you a big hug and let us ladies know how you get on. Nat18 xxx

sk291 profile image

Dear Robync100, I'm sorry you are feeling scared but you are fortunate you are having your symptoms taken seriously at an early stage. My recollection post-laparoscopy was the discomfort caused mainly by the gas used to allow the surgeon to see what's going on. Be armed with minty things such as peppermint tea, sweets etc and take regular painkillers as advised by the medical staff. Be kind to yourself and rest until you feel better which is likely to take a few days. Remember you will be asleep during the procedure so try not to be too scared. All the best!!

MasseyF profile image

Hi there. Sorry you are feeling scared but totally understand it. I was just a year or two older than you are now when I had my first lap. It's not as bad as you may think. I know it's far easier said than done but try not to worry. I agree with other comments about the gas being uncomfortable but that soon passes. Make sure you have plenty of rest and relaxation. There's no time limit as to when you 'should' feel better afterwards so go at your own pace.

If you are really nervous, you can always ask at the hospital & they may be able to put you at the top of the list for the day so you don't have to wait too long. I've had a few ops & have found it's just like you've been asleep & the nurses get you tea & biscuits when you wake up!

It's good to know what's going on so a good idea to get the lap done. I've had endo for a number of years now & have only recently discovered this forum so well done you for finding it so quickly; the support & understanding on here from all the ladies I have 'met' is amazing!

Best wishes to you x

Robync100 profile image

Thanks everyone, I'm worried about being sick, will they give me anti sickness injection?? And will I be in over night?? Thanks Robyn x

Nat18 profile image

Hi again

You will probably be in and out the same day and I'm sure they would give you something for sickness if you should need it!!

Have you had anaesthetic before? If you have any worries at all make sure you tell them on the day and I'm sure they will look after you. Take care if yourself :-) Nat18 xx

sk291 profile image

Hi Robyn, I don't remember being sick at all, but there will be staff around to help you with any difficulties. As for being kept in overnight.... we are all different! I didn't plan on being in overnight but ended up staying, mainly because I lived on my own at the time. Have you got somebody at home with you? Please try not to worry too much, it is definitely better to find out what is wrong and then treatment can start if it's needed. Keep in touch and ask all the questions you want, it's definitely better to be informed! Kate x

Impatient profile image

My 1st lap, I came round very woozy for a while, I had family visit me and all was okay, till I had to get up for the loo. By that stage I just made it to the door, and projectile vomited all over the bathroom. It was a reaction to the anaesthetic or morphine or both, but at any event I did not have to clean it up, it was just the once and i felt fine after that was over. I couldn't have stopped myself if i had tried.

So just in case of that - my advice is if you do have long hair, wear it behind your head in a scrunchy ponytail to keep it out of the way.

You cannot have any metal on you for the op, but a scrunchy is fine instead of hair clips.

Don't take anything valuable with you to hosp, just the basics and wetwipes so you can clean up the disinfectant stain from your tummy before you put your own clothes back on.

leave a bag of stuff you might need for an overnight stay, safe at home, and get someone to bring that in to you after the op if they decide to keep you in for the night.

Don't worry about being kept in, they will do that sometimes if your blood pressure is slightly up or down, or if you are struggling with having a wee for example. but in most cases you do get sent home in the evening and have to fend for yourself.

Make sure you have plenty of pain relief on hand, also get in some plasters and antiseptic cream like Savlon etc to clean and dress your wounds.

A lap would usually leave you with 3 to 5 stab wounds. They are about 1 cm long and may have a stitch on the top, superglue underneath that which can feel a bit hard but both the glue and the stitch will be absorbed over the coming weeks as you heal up.

Fart and burp that extra gas out of your body as quickly as you can shift it. while it is in you it rises to the diaphragm and you feel deep aches in the shoulders becuse of it, so there is a lot of relief when you can get it out. Taking hourly or frequent short walks will get the gas moving and stop you having a DVT and better still keep your bowels working too.

because you will be on pain killers for a few days they have a tendancy to cause constipation so having a bottle of lactulose laxative to take with snacks and meals should help keep you 'regular'.

Do take with you something to do while you wait. magazines, quiz books, reading book etc. you could have a long wait depending on what time you get your op.

I also take a tube of pringles, because i am always starving when i wake up , not having been allowed to eat since the day before.

You are not allowed to wear your own clothes - have to wear hosp gown and paper pants, but you can take your own dressing gown and slippers, and I highly recommend bright colourful sox because they and the hair scrunchy will be the only things you are allowed to wear of your own. Also take in a fave teddy bear - you can even take teddy to the theatre with you. Lots of people do that -no matter what their age.

Zero jewellery because there must not be any metal about you that can conduct electricity.

No nail polish on fingers or toes - because the anaesthetist needs to check the colour of your skin through your nails during the op. Clear varnish is sometimes allowed, but best just to

have a decent bath the night before, clean off all makeup, nail polish, remove all bling.

i wouldn't even risk taking a cell phone to the hosp, but that is up to you - borrow and take a cheap one if you must, or some lose change for the pay phones is even better. remember you are moving round from ward to theatre and back again, and wards are open places lots of visitors, you wouldn't want to risk any treasure going for a walk while you have your op, or worse, while you are still groggy and not able to look after your stuff properly.

Wear loose waisted clothes (no tight jeans) you won't get them on afterwards because your tummy will be swollen from the op and the gas for a day or two. Track pants or elasticated skirts are fine. you need to be comfy coming home in the car. so don't want anything pressing too hard on your fresh wounds.

The worst one is the belly button hole - it seems to be the one that catches on most clothes, so i use 'micropore tape' to cover that up and perhaps add a cushion of sterile cotton wadding under that, to stop clothes snagging on it.

Get plenty of rest but also lots of frequent short walks round the house. eat and drink healthy.

Absolutely under no circumstances drink anything gassy or fizzy . you are trying to get rid of gas not put more in there !!! Avoid beans for the same reason.

Do rush to do too much too soom and have a setback. healing is a long process and cn take several weeks though you shouldn't need pain killers after a few days it will still be sore to stretch up or reach down.

it isn't a huge ordeal of an op, i have had much worse than a lap op, but neither is it as small as a trip to the dentist, so lots of TLC of your wounds and keep them from getting mucky and infected and you'll be well on the mend in a fortnight or so after the op. Some ladies much sooner, but most of us take few weeks.

Immunewolf21 profile image

You will be absolutely fine as long as you expect to be in pain for 2-3 days, which painkillers do ease . Move about as much as possible after op to get rid of any wind! Invest in some extra strong mints as these really help. It's not very ladylike for a few days :)

Comfy clothes, drink plenty of fluids afterwards and get plenty of films or interests you can do while sitting getting well and you'll be sorted! Hope all goes well xx

Robync100 profile image

No I have not had anethetic before, I will ask for anti sickness before because If I have it they are going to burn away the endo and have the marina coil fitted in! I have my mom to look after me and I told her she can't leave me lol! Thanks everyone x

Hi there, 17 here. My first lap was at 14 and I was very scared also, I have learnt now that the only time I had any MINOR complications was because I worked myself up to much. So try and relax and it will be a breeze I promise, if it's not then you can come back and take your anger out on me. The entire surgery is almost pain free, the have to fill your abdomen with gas to bloat it up so they can take a better look, after your surgery it will feel like a whole bunch of trapped wind mainly in your shoulders, sort of like heartburn and the pain only last for about 48 hours. You will be fine hun and all the best to you, I hope you recover quickly and get some strong pain killers.

TianRunty profile image

It is a very scary idea I know but getting an answer and possible treatment makes it worth it.

When I woke up from my first op I was sore from the gas like others have said but it wasn't anything like the pain I was getting from the endo so it really wasn't bad at all.

I felt sick when I fully woke up but that wasn't anything to do with the op itself, it was from having to not eat, as soon as I ate I was fine. Everyone is different so some might feel sick, some might be back on their feet in days others might take a week to feel better. Just listen to your body and do as it says.

milzymoo7 profile image

Hey, I'm 17 and I had my first operation for endometriosis at 14 looking back now it wasn't that bad the main thing is you're having done to find out what it is and then can be treated so you're pain can go away! Mine was fine I was in and out in a day! I did feel a bit sick when I woke up but they sorted that and as for the pain its there for a few days and then it goes! Its all very quick as soon as you go to sleep you feel like your waking up again! hope all goes well and try not to worry!:))) x

sk291 profile image

Hi Robyn, hope you are feeling a little more reassured today. If I am feeling anxious I use some of the hypnosis/meditation videos on you tube. Not for everyone I know but I find them useful. Kate x

defying-gravity profile image

I'm 23 and having a lap the same day as you for possible endometriosis, I too am so frightened - especially as it'll be the first time I'll have an anaesthetic - but reading these posts has really helped me calm down about things - thankyou

I have had heavy periods and for years now, from the age of 11, I was misdiagnosed and told I could not take the pill due to my blood being prone to clotting - my surgeon who is treating me for possible endo now ran tests and found that I could have been on the pill and not been in agony or unable to work/go to school during my teenage years! But I'm happy things are finally getting sorted!

CharlieSays profile image

Hi, I had my 1st lap last monday and although I'm 43, I was scared too, as I'd only had 1 very minor op before. Don't worry about being nervous, its natural and the ward staff were very understanding and will answer any questions. The anaesthetist came to see me beforehand to explain what he does and he gave me an antisickness drug. I woke up an hour after I went into surgery with no pain, just a huge tummy full of gas! I went home the same day, after they'd monitored my blood pressure awhile, as it was low.I had some period-type pain the next couple of days, but found I could manage this with normal painkillers and a heat pad. I feel much better now, but tire very easily so have been sat a lot in my PJs and only get out of bed when i feel ready to. Have been eating small amounts but drinking lots, or else I start to feel dizzy. I've also found an extra pillow in bed to lean on and support my belly (as I sleep on my side) very helpful. Finally knowing whta's wrong with me has been worth the discomfort as at least I can hopefully start to get the proper treatment. Try not to worry too much, but talk it through with your mum and the hospital staff if it feels too much for you. You'll be fine - its a common procedure and the hospital staff know what they are doing! x

Robync100 profile image

Im having the op tomorrow. What can I have to eat tonight??

Impatient profile image

a feast !! - no seriously just have a usual dinner - nothing too gassy like beans or sprouts for at least a week or two as you don't want to add unncessarily to the trapped gas situation.

Usually it is nothing more to eat after 10 or after midnight - depending on when the op is scheduled. you can do you teeth at bedtime too.

If your mouth gets dry just swill some water round in it and spit it out.

I find chewing gum can help if you feel a bit peckish.

I am quite sue there have been times when you have skipped a breakfast - this is no different. The biggest issue is thirst more than food. Good luck for tomorrow.

Robync100 profile image

Thanks everyone who commented on this, I've had it done now and on recovery.

Had the paramedic out to me because of really bad pain but I'm ok! Thank you for all your advice, but I hated all the time in the hospital! Thanks Robync100.

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