Has anyone found changing their diet help... - Endometriosis UK

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Has anyone found changing their diet helps with endo symptoms? I found cutting out caffeine, eggs and red meat helped a little

Hellsbell80 profile image
10 Replies
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Hellsbell80 profile image
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10 Replies
Seaside1 profile image

Hi Hellsbell80

I have found cutting out caffine, yeast and dairy and reducing red meat intake have helped. I do eat eggs though. I basically did a blood intolerance test and am staying clear of those foods I was highly intolerant to (eggs was not one of them). Sticking to the diet is incredibly hard though (as yeast and milk products seem to be in so many things!) and it makes things difficult when going out for a meal/going to friends/buying lunch when on the go etc. But I found it relieves bloatedness and reduces endo pain a little so it is worth it. Also I think I have a healthier diet now because of it as I have to be very careful with what I eat. I recently found that cutting back on refined sugars makes pain a bit less too :-)

Hellsbell80 profile image

Thanks seaside1 I came across this diet foodie4healing.blogspot.ie/... so might try it out, and hey might shift a few stubborn pounds at the same time ;-)

Seaside1 profile image

Thanks for the link Hellsbell80. That's interesting, in your link they also recommend avoiding soy products and I came up highly intolerant to that in the test too. Good luck with it all and really hope it improves endo symptoms for you x

Catness profile image


This is a great website :)

Hellsbell80 profile image
Hellsbell80 in reply to Catness

Cheers for the link Catness!! :-)

Hellsbell80 profile image
Hellsbell80 in reply to Catness

the link on nutrition is very good endo-resolved.com/diet.html It says I will have to cut out chocolate and as a fully-fledged chocoholic that is going to be a tough one but might try and switch more to dark chocolate anyway :-)

Aquitaine profile image

Yes - same here! I have cut out caffeine, gluten and most dairy and meat. I still eat lots of eggs and fish, and tons of veg. I'm also trying to cut down alcohol (now I only have the occasional glass of red wine) and sugar of all sorts. Definitely an improvement in the pain and in my energy levels, but oh so hard to do! Good luck!

CaraBoo profile image

I cut out gluten earlier in the year and went on a clean eating programme (apart from my Diet Coke obsession) and it made a huge difference. I've fallen back into my old ways and I'm sure that has contributed to the major upsurge in my pain levels.

I just have to get myself back on track.

missingbutterfly profile image


I have suffered endometriosis since I was around 16 and been going for tests since then however only diagnosed last year at 26 I work as a growth professional and instead of going for surgery I decided to really take care of myself .

I had always been strong against the pill however after realising it could help me I started to take it after trying 3 different ones and watching my diet and training as a excessive lifestyle I found the I could control it and not I control me simply by loving myself

I am on the mini pill with success for six months now I have fully cut red meat from my diet I eat many alternative foods like black chia seed almond meal almond milk and I stay extremely clear of soy .

Please notice I say I swapped things I did not stop things at all .

When I feel unwell or drowsy I start to become super strict eliminating anything that may be causing me pain like alcohol gluten and dairy and I up my exercise with extra walking light jogging yoga etc .

I have been told due to the way I live my lifestyle I can still have kids which I was confirmed at doctor on Thursday this week a year after almost bleeding to death so in the future I know this is a option I turned down the surgery to give me a chance to fix with health I also take spirulina and evening primrose oil as a continuous thing .

Eliminating soy and red meat is a MUST

Getting to a lighter weight should help most also xx

missingbutterfly profile image
missingbutterfly in reply to missingbutterfly

That was meant to say I work as a health professional not growth :)

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