Do most gynae's just laser Endo? or are ... - Endometriosis UK

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Do most gynae's just laser Endo? or are they more up to date now i,e excision? Got a lap booked and forgot to ask the question.

silverandglass profile image
2 Replies
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2 Replies
Impatient profile image

Yes most regular gynae surgeons do use the laser, and that is great for the shallow endo and will kill off most of the superficial endo lesions, but it is not effective enough if you happen to have deeper growing lesions, so a combination of laser and excision works best in the hands of a knowledgable surgeon who knows where to look and what to look for too.

Nothing stops more endo devolping though while you have any of it remaining.

I had both, though mostly laser work throughout there were some lesions that needed excising, and quite a lot was left in situ too. Not surprising after 30 years waiting to get diagnosed...the results inside were heavily endo-ridden all over in my case.

silverandglass profile image
silverandglass in reply to Impatient

Thanks for the reply.

You would think I could remember to ask this question by now as yes, also been suffering for 30 years but finally had a diagnosis in 2005, whereby I had already had my ovary removed due to a 'chocolate cyst' the size of a gala melon in 1992 and no one had told me what this was, then in 2005, I had my bowel disconnected from my womb and various lesions lasered.

Only now, as getting to the end of my tether with the latest bout of constant pain (virtually every day for a year, convincing myself that although I knew I still had the endo symptoms after the last op, they were not as bad as before?) and trying to convince my GP that no, this isn't all in my mind, I do eat sensibly but no, I can't exercise but these symptoms are not due to me being 'lazy' or due to the fact I have put on weight,(although I cannot eat much) putting stress on my back or now, due to lack of exercise, I lack muscles to support my body........ the medication (Provera)I received making the symptoms worse,(wanted to try anything as I didn't want to go back under the knife) basically wanting to end it all and having massive panic attacks due to not sleeping, being exhausted, walking around like an 80 year old (to be honest, my mum who is 73 has more energy, 'get up and go' than me) and then after telling her that I was coming off the medication (and the anti depressants I have been taking for years as I thought these were contributing to the 'being in a bubble' effect, sleeping all day, every day.....), dragging myself to continue to work (being a single parent, I need the money so much) I told her that I needed some other support, didn't know how to cope with the feelings due to not having the 'crutch' of anti depressants, she gave me a piece of paper with a mental health support number on it (nothing like being referred by your doctor??) and said not to tell them that I had endo as they would not even offer me any therapy as my illness was nothing to do with my mental health...

Bottom line, I am just going with the flow and letting the gynaes do anything to just end this....

So, I have recently decided to do some research (I have looked at websites over the years, joined etc but due to 'brain fog' nothing ever goes in and stays there)

I have finally 'come out' to ask these questions.

Sorry to go on

Basically, am i entitled to ask the gynae, hospital or GP to insist on excision then? and if they can't offer it, be referred to a specialist who can?

I am so frustrated with myself for not asking at the last appointment before this op was booked. Do you think I could contact the Gynaes secretary to book a further appointment to discuss more options? I know that my op appointment wont be any time soon (urgent in my area, as I was informed, is 3 months) so I could still have a chance to ask perhaps?

You did not say if you are still experiencing symptoms, although, I suppose if you are on this site, you most definitely are......

I believe we should all have expert advice in these matters, an advocate with us at our appointments (I always go alone as I don't like to fuss) and someone who bloody knows what they are doing.

i was so grateful to the gynae who sorted me out last time (to be pain free in so many years was like being born again) that I think I have just plodded along with anything that has been chucked at me/don't have the energy to ask/think.

If I remember, I think a discussion is on the cards very, very soon......

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