I seem to be going through a tough period at the moment. Been feeling fatigued, depressed and generally unwell over the last week. All very frustrating as I feel as if I’ve gone backwards 3 months in my recovery (I’m 7 months out). Looking back over the last few weeks I guess it’s been quite a draining time - although it didn’t necessarily feel like it at the time.
Firstly, I had my 6 month MRI follow up (still awaiting results). This is a procedure I don’t like and it also means I need to go back to the hospital where I spent 5 unforgettable horrible weeks being diagnosed and treated for HSV Enc.
Secondly, I visited the dentist just before Christmas for a molar extraction (first in many, many years) and a filling. I was in the chair for about 1 1/2 hours trying to stay calm. A bit of an ordeal but I just wanted to get it over with as I had been putting off treatment for some time.
Thirdly, I’ve just spent the last few days over Christmas trying to appear as normal as possible in front of my family to ensure I didn’t spoil anything for anyone.
So I’m thinking these are the reasons. Just thought I’d post this to get other peoples views, thoughts and a bit of support.
Thanks in advance.