Hi everyone, hope this is a good day for u all.
I got Infectious Encephalitis about 5wks ago following Micro Vascular Decompression surgery. Unfortunately I had 5 CSF leaks over a period of a wk and half, had to be restitched 4 times. They were worried that I would get an infection, and I did.
Unfortunately I also caught covid in hospital and I already have other illnesses - Chronic Migraine, Fibromyalgia, Asthma and Systemic Sclerosis.
I spent 2 wks in High Dependancy ward, apart from the last 3 days when I was isolated for having Covid.
I thought the first few wks of recovery were tough, but as of yesterday it feels like it's 10 times worse. The Fatigue is beyond what I ever thought it would be and my mood swings are terrible. I'm extra clumsy and just feel like I don't want to socialise or do anything.
Has anyone else been in similar circumstances and if so how did it affect u? I feel like I'm constantly having to explain why I'm feeling like I am. To make things worse, I got my letter from my Consultant yesterday, and there is no mention of me getting the Bacteria Infection and says I had A CSF Leak as opossed to 5 leaks. He did say if I have any other problems he would gladly take me on again as a patient, which is nice. But I'm just a bit annoyed, I wasn't in hospital for 2 wks because of surgery, I was there cos I had an extremely Serious Infection and now as a result of that, Encephalitis. None of which has been explained to me.
I would welcome any advice please from someone who knows what it's like.