I write this post as a thank you, I hope that my story provides some hope for those early on in their recovery, where everything in the world has shifted to a place that is so, so unique/unrecognisable. I know that every experience is different; the illness, type, affects, treatment, care and recovery and I consider myself so very lucky now but it didn't feel that way this time last year.
It is a little over a year since the onset of meningeoencephalitis for me, what a journey!
The path travelled has been the hardest in my life but I am so thankful that the struggles I still have are manageable and if I do not recover any further from here I am so lucky from where I was a year ago.
Tomorrow I return to work, as normal, following the Christmas break whereas last year that was simply not an option (although in my mind I thought it was, having no understanding of the journey ahead). I returned to work 8 weeks after my event and struggled most of last year, in so many ways, a few times feeling my only option was to hand in my notice but I persevered. Now I have learnt strategies to pace myself, rest frequently, to be able to work with the ongoing fatigue.
I am in this position due to ongoing natural recovery and because of the support from my husband, family, urgent care provided by NHS, The Encephalitis Society, my local Occupation Therapist, Brain injury specialist nurse and the patience of my boss and colleagues to whom I am so grateful. I have found so much compassion and willingness to help along the way.
I just wanted to say I am so grateful to everyone that has shared their experience on this forum and provided insight when I have needed it. It has also been really encouraging to read the progress made by others along the way.
There are times when just knowing there are others who understand what you are going through made the journey not quite so lonely or scary.
I have come to a quiet acceptance of how Encephalitis has changed me and this has been such a leap forward in my recovery. I look forward to reigniting my passions and interests going in to this year believing that I can move forward, this is such a different feeling to how I felt during most of the last 12 months where just putting one foot in front of the other was all that was on my mind.
Finally a massive thanks for Baby Donkeys as they have brought a smile and softness each time they appear!
I hope this coming year brings everyone progress, light, joy & many more donkeys! 😉