I did not know about EDS until last year when a consultant Gynaecologist told me I 'almost certainly have it'. When I looked up all the associated signs/symptoms I had them all overwhelmingly. I have spent the majority of my life on a roundabout of hospital appointments. Never getting answers. My life has been ruined. Apart from my clubbed foot failing and bruises everywhere I have no issue with hyper mobility.
When I told my GP what the gynaecologist said he mocked me and didn't believe me but eventually sent me to a Genetic Medicine Unit who dispatched me after only 10 mins, a wholly inadequate consultation and a refusal of any further appointments.
My GP had tried to send me to a Rheumatologist first but referral had been rejected. He had been told he had to send me genetic medicine first who had seen me but didn't want to know and got rid of me quickly after 10 mins.
I see a lot of posts on here telling people to 'change GP'. This would seem to be counter productive as it seems most GPS seem to behave in a similar way when it comes to EDS. There is no guarantee you will find one anymore helpful and changing GPS creates lots of other potential difficulties as well. It is poosble new GP could be even worse!
It is not clear what the pathway is for getting a diagnosis. It seems the standard route is referring people to a rheumatologist which is recognised as not being particularly helpful and concentrating only on hypermobility aspects. Yet when I went to the the genetic clinic they did exactly same. Asked me if I could do 'gynamastics or party tricks'. When I said 'no' they discharged me. Totally uninterested in other symptoms.
When I rang EDS helpline they were also very dismissive and apart from telling me to get referred to a private rheumatologist in London there was no difference in their approach.
What are other options for being dianosed when the pathway seems to be 'see a rhemotologist'. Where else might you get a diagnosis. I don't think many GP's would be willing to do this despite what 'checklist or toolkit' you bring with you. Also genetic medicine clinics seem to be as dismissive.
I am struggling to see what options there are for dianosis in the NHS where someone takes notice of all the issues you experience and makes a connection.