Hello All.
I recently had an appointment at a gynaecologist who told me it is not common for women who have never had children to have a prolapse. He proceeded to pull at my skin and twist my arms before saying I had EDS. I didn't know what EDS was. He told me to 'look it up'.
The first thing I noticed when googling were pictures of people who all looked like me with dark circles under their eyes. I have always had these. I have a prolapse, hiatus hernia, chronic constipation, chronic migraines, severe fatigue and pain. I have chnic sinus problems, curved spine varicos veins since childhood flat feet and can't walk straihgt. I can't get shoes to fit me and my ankles are very weak and foot turns in. I bruise extremly easily and have smooth skin. I get dizzy when I stand up.
I haven't got any 'party tricks' apart from wiggling left ear and despite lots of falls when walking I'm not hypermobile.
Anyway I told the GP what the gynaecologist said and he dismissed me saying 'why would a gynaecologist say that' and 'that's a rare disease why would YOU have that? I had to wait until he received clinic letter. I pushed and pushed. Eventually he referred me to a rhemotologist who rejected the referral. I have now been sent to Manchester Royal Infirmary Dept of Genetic Medicine.
I rang an EDS helpline for advice and they were very dismissive and said I couldn't have EDS if not hypermobile which I'm not.
I am very unwell and my life has been ruined by my health problems and constant hospital appointments which is killing me as I'm there all week almost every day sometimes twice a day. All are a waste of time and I am treated like a hyperchondriac. I also got diagnosed with autism a couple of years ago and have mental health problems. I get no help with any of these and have no family/friends either.