I had my yearly visit with my nephrologist today and received great news (Praise God!)
My eGFR has increased nearly 20 points (74) and creatinine decreased to .83. No protein in urine and sodium, potassium, phosphorus, albumin (as well as other parameters) are all exceptional!
He said the intermittent fasting I’ve been doing and weight loss is extremely good and is very beneficial for kidney function. He said to keep doing what I’m doing, keep an eye on my BP (which has been much lower since losing weight and now have been off all blood pressure medication for several months) and he just said I only need to check again and see him in one year.
There is definitely HOPE to improve kidney function with some discipline and effort (and prayer) but so well-worth it!
I just wanted to encourage you all with my experience and pray you are all blessed and doing well. 😌