Can I infuse my water with fresh lemon I have stage 3 ckd, potassium in normal range
Lemon infused water: Can I infuse my water... - Early CKD Support
Lemon infused water

Lemon and Lime are listed in my renal diet. Lemon and Lime are not listed as high potassium fruit.
That's good for me then. It makes the water enjoyable. Thankyou for your help
Just a little word of caution! If you add lemon juice to your water each time you have a sip it will start an ”acid attack” on your teeth. After about 20 minutes the mouth settles back down. If you have another sip then your teeth will come under another acid attack. Too many attacks and you will be stripping your teeth if it’s enamel- and you may find you have v sensitive teeth that have eroded enamel.
The effect of sodium bicarbonate oral rinse on salivary pH and oral microflora
3 grams of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in 50ml water to use as a mouthwash would probably solve the potential acid problem
see also
Baking soda for kidney patients
Just a fun piece of information for you. This article on baking soda for kidney patients mentions the William Harvey Research Institute Barts. William Harvey is my ancestor and was Physician to King Charles I and later Charles II. We have the family records going all the way back to him, which is fascinating to me.
Hi Sunshine,
I was told by my doctor if I liked to use lemon, it was good for CKD. It is supposed to help alkaline the blood but you need to drink very strong lemon water, which I do not like. But it does add some Vit C.
As far as the acid on the teeth... If you were drinking straight lemon juice, maybe there would be an issue with the acid levels. But a slice or two in lots of water is really good for you. And that's because your drinking more water.
Sorry to be picky- have a read of this from the British Dental Association.
It’s not the amount, it’s the number of times you drink it.
Each morning I eat a handful of Fresh Blueberries...Fresh Strawberries...and a slice of Lemon....then I rinse my mouth....Seems to me it helps to diminish Acidity and is very refreshing....and it looks so pretty in the a Special Treat..Some-times after I know I ate more Phosphorus than I should, I eat another slice of Lemon...For helps keep the "Itching" at Bay...