hello guys! i recently had my trasplant(2 months ago) and today in my lab report it showed protein in my urea 10mg/24hr and i am freaking out since then . i visited my nephrologist and he said right now it's not a issue it may be from native kidney but i still freaking out also i'v read so many article on google all ended in rejectio. please tell me is normal or should i be worried about it? my cr is 1.2 and no edema. please do tell me what should i do?
protein in urea post transplant - Early CKD Support
protein in urea post transplant

sorry it's 10mg/dl . still what does it indicates and what to do now?? please help me out
Everyone is different and if your renal dr has said it's not an issue right now then that should put your mind at rest. It's no point looking at what has happened to other people and getting upset, just concentrate on yourself. I've had my transplant for over 10 years and have always been anxious every time I get a dodgy result. However I have trust in my Dr and if he's not calling me back then I guess he's happy with all my results. Just keep an eye on your creatinine.
I'm not a doctor. But I believe in a 24 hour collection anything below 80mg or protein is considered normal. People mistakenly think there should be no protein in urine. That is not so. There is always low levels of protein in urine (called trace). You are fine. And besides, if your doctor isn't worried, you should not be either. For a random urine sample, normal values are 0 to 20 mg/dL. For a 24-hour urine collection, the normal value is less than 80 mg per 24 hours. The examples above are common measurements for results of these tests. Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories.
We cannot diagnose here but only speak from our own experiences. If you trust your transplant team you need to be asking them your questions. Your creatinine is great, so I would stop worrying. Congrats on your transplant!
i asked my nephrologist he said there can be many factors which could cause this but rest of the parameters are good so nothing to worry about it. we will moniter it closely though.
But you know it's just been two month and i'm jumpy all the about everything. so even a non essential thing seems pretty big. thank you for your advise i'l keep this in mind. thank you!