GFR dropping: Hi, Found out recently that... - Early CKD Support

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GFR dropping

arivett profile image
10 Replies


Found out recently that my GFR had dropped to 53 from normal 2 years ago. Repeat GFR now even lower at 42 today. When I found out my first results I immediately embarked on herbal teas, stopped alcohol completely...figured it would go up...nope. Now feeling like I'm done for. Doesn't help that I have anxiety/depression.

Just hoping the GFR doesn't keep dropping. 62 years old, planning on retiring soon. Hope I get there. Not feeling too optimistic right now.

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arivett profile image
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10 Replies
MAS_Nurse profile image

Hi arivett,

Welcome to our community! Looking at your blood test results your eGFR would be would indicate possible stage 3 CKD with a mild to moderate loss of renal function. However, eGFR can't be the only indicator of developing CKD, and other contributing factors need to be considered. eGFR is an estimate of GFR taking in factors such as age, sex, and other information. Please click on the link to more information from the Edinburgh Renal Unit:

1) Blood Test results:

2) Chronic kidney disease and its progression:

Kidney Research UK:

1. Chronic Kidney Disease - what it is:

2. Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) :

3. Healthy Eating:

It seems that you have a good GP who is monitoring your kidney function well. I suggest that if you have any concerns that you have a chat with him/her.

Keep in touch. Hopefully, you find folks here are very knowledgeable and supportive.

Ok, folks please pop by and welcome this new member.

Best wishes,

MAS Nurse and Moderator

arivett profile image
arivett in reply to MAS_Nurse

Thank you for your reply. I only found out about my kidney problems when I was off work for anxiety/depression and my physician ordered some blood tests.

As if I wasn't something of a wreck before I found out. Now I'm going back to work on modified duties but all I can think about is if my kidneys will continue to decline.

I'm looking at everything I can do to control this situation but there is so much that is out of my hands.

Hoping and praying.

orangecity41 profile image

You have come to a good forum for support. I am 78 years old and was diagnosed 3 years ago with CKD stage 3b. My Doctor diagnosed me after reviewing other blood work also. My Doctor prescribed a renal diet appropriate for me and a appropriate exercise routine. I would discuss your concerns with your Doctor and see if a renal diet is needed. If you still have concerns perhaps get a second opinion.

Keithtim10 profile image

Hi Arivett

I have had GFR results of no more than high 30's due to the effect of my ANCA Vasculitis diagnosed in 2015 and I am 69 now but knowing I can not do anything to higher it I do a lot with my diet ie: no salt,very little red meat,no processed meat,loads of veg,the odd beer or glass of wine and exercise.The thing is I know that it will not get better so I now look after my kidney's as much as I can.i have found that the dietician at my kidney clinic is a great help.I do understand your depression as I have the same but now few and far between and my consultants are great at keeping a close eye on me which is a great comfort.Hope this helps.Good luck.

Beckett24 profile image

Hi, arivett,

There is a massive amount that you can do. I am 60 years old (61 in June). My GFR continuously dropped from 49 to 44 in 8 months over three sets of labs... so that would be 15% per year or so of dropping GFR. I thought I was doomed.

I then educated myself, did all the work myself and my GFR as of 4/22/19 went from 44 to 56 in 12 weeks! That is a 27% increase and nearly at Stage 2 (60-89)!

You can do the same. Here is how I did it:

Your retirement should also bring less stress and more time to work on yourself. Let me know how it goes. Good luck.

Awsomeolives profile image
Awsomeolives in reply to Beckett24

My husband's GFR went from 59 to 100 in a short period of time after following Hull Lee's book very closely too! There's SO much one can do with his/her diet to help stop the progression of kidney disease. I wish you the best of luck Arivett.

Beckett24 profile image
Beckett24 in reply to Awsomeolives

Hi, Awsomeolives,

You actually replied to me - Beckett24 - and I am glad you did! Since Arivett is the original poster, he will be notified of your reply.

Wow! I thought I was doing well by going from a 44 to a 56 GFR in 12 weeks following Mr. Hull's book.

Can you please tell me (and the rest of us) how he went from a 59 to a 100 GFR in a short time?? Please, I am dying to know! Did he take the Albutrix? I did not. Please do not spare any details!

You should put up your husband's great achievement as a separate, stand alone post to inspire everyone. You should also send your story to Mr. Hull.

Thank you for sharing.

Awsomeolives profile image
Awsomeolives in reply to Beckett24

Hi Beckett,

He was recently diagnosed with IGA Neuropathy, which is the cause of his kidney issues. His GFR was in the 80s beginning Nov 2018 and stayed around that number until April 2019 when it plummeted to 59. While we were waiting for his biopsy results to confirm whether he had IGAN, we stumbled upon Hull Lee's book. He instantly cut out all meat, dairy, sugary food, and was very conscious of what he ate - no junk food, all organic fruits and vegetables, soy protein products. After he started this diet, he had his blood drawn a mere 5 days later right before his biopsy results and found out his GFR had risen to 100! We were ecstatic. It could be that the number plummeted to 59 due to a flare up, but even going from 80 to 100 was immense after just 5 days of becoming a strict vegan. Our nephrologist was also ecstatic as she was about to put him on steroid treatment, but decided against it since he's responding so well to diet alone.

He doesn't need to take Albutrix yet, but we'll definitely look into that if and when he needs to. He does take a lot of flax seed/fish oil to reduce inflammation in his kidneys. Other than that, he just sticks to a very good vegan diet and tries to stay away from junk food (he has occasionally slipped and ate fries/cookies). Our follow up appointment is next month so I can report back on how he's doing. We're praying he has maintained around 100 GFR.

Also, ever since he went vegan, his blood pressure has dropped from 140-150s to 120-130s. It's amazing, I cannot rave enough about how important diet is.

Good luck to you and keep us posted about your journey too!

Beckett24 profile image
Beckett24 in reply to Awsomeolives

Hi, Awsomeolives,

That is such a great story. I really wondered what caused the GFR of 59. I doubt your husband will ever need Albutrix.

You should really post your story as a stand alone post as everyone with CKD needs to read Mr. Hull's book. Even if Mr. Hull's CKD diet plan is ignored, the first thirty-three chapters are a graduate level college course in themselves. You should also contact Mr. Hull and tell him your story.

Let us know what happens next month. Thank you for sharing.

Rlukas79 profile image

Do you also have protein in your urine?

Not what you're looking for?

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