To begin I will say that I have not been diagnosed with any Kidney Disease. I have had Micro Hemaurtia for years, and trace proteins, that were last investigated almost 10 years ago. Have had 3 Kidny infections requiring hospitalization. I also have Lupus.
My problem now is my Heart. On November 24/17, I had to have emergency pacemaker implant. Pacemaker was able to establish that I have A-Fib and have been prescribed anti-coagulant. My concern is that anti-coagulants can cause Hemaurtia, so what is going to happen if you already have it.
Does anyone have any experience with this, I have not started anti-coagulant yet, feel stuck and fearful of what could happen if I take it or if I don’t - have been referred back to Cardiologist but still waiting for appointment date.
Any advice would be appreciated, Thank You
Chapter 🌹