I cant find any info about a rising eGFR , everyone talks about losing kidney function so am confused - is 35 to 46 within normal fluctuating ranges or could through my diet change when i discovered my kidney problem mean my kidneys might be getting better ? I didnt think kidneys could get better ?
Hello evidently my eGFR had gone down t... - Early CKD Support
Hello evidently my eGFR had gone down to 35 in Feb, was still 35 in April so possibly stabilised , but this month its 46 so is rising .

I was always told that my kidney function wouldn't get better, but at my last doctors appointment I was told that my kidney function ranges between 35 and 43 and that after doing blood tests over a couple of years they have decided that is normal for me. I do think diet does play a big part.
yes this can happen eGFR fluctuates very much you can have improvement in kidney function this happened to my husband a lot but they never recover by a huge amount
when you get to dialysis stage anything around eGFR of 7 to 16 my husband was 6 theres
no chance then of improvement even then some times total eGFR with dialysis can be 6 or some months 8 or 9 if the eGFR is 46 that means your function is 46% whatever your doing keep doing it as it sounds like its working well for you!
Sounds like you have improved your diet and doing the right things at the moment , they do vary but will only improve for a while . Good diet helps prolong the life of your function so keep on the path you are on ..
My egfr fell to 8 following a renal crisis. But now I am back at stage 3B. I never started dialysis as I am needle phobic and wanted to be sure that I had tried everything else first.
I did meet people on dialysis who had been ok on it for many years. However I changed my diet and I believe that doing so may have helped.
I am not really expecting to regain full kidney function. But even though I still have to take care life now is easier. I try to eat a balanced diet but with a higher proportion of alkaline foods as I have found them easier to tolerate.
My function fluctuates even now. But I am a bit further away from the danger zone so it makes me a bit more comfortable with the results. Lots of rest and plenty of water helps as well.
heya, just want to say, like overnighthearingloss i was imminent dialysis just 16 years ago and with a change to diet and medication (which I think caused it) went back up to stage 2. Only on stage 4 now because of a blockage in my ureter which caused an infection.
So, yes, it can go up and down xx good luck
What dietary changes did you make? Just interested to see if my theory may be correct.
Hi , for the month before my 46 blood test result i alternated between normal food (though low sodium pottasium phosphorus ) on one day, the next day filtered water only, no food , then normal food etc etc throughout the month, and reduced by half my BP medication by only taking these during eating days. Therefore i gave my kidneys a bit of a 24 hour 'rest' with nothing more than filtered water to process during my fasting days .
Hi 5 months ago my egfr was 15, it is now 30. I didn't change my diet but had a change of medication. Good luck
Normal range for GFR is 60-120, the higher the better, once it goes below 30 you are in trouble. My kidney disease was cause by taking diabetic oral medication, once these meds were discontinued, my GFR is on the rise once again. What is normal for one person is not normal for another it depends on certain factors: diagnosis, family history, lifestyle, etc.