Does anyone else have difficulty with SSRI's exacerbating Dystonia? I have to take ridiculously low doses or spasms become so painful... Psych docs and nurses seem to think I am exaggerating. Can anyone share their thoughts and experiences regarding this? Thank you so much for your time, Pepper
Does anyone else have difficulty with SSR... - Dystonia Society
Does anyone else have difficulty with SSRI's exacerbating Dystonia? I have to take ridiculously low doses or spasms become so painful...

Hi, There are several papers in the scientific literature that link anti depressives including SSRIs with tremor and movement disorder symptoms. In these cases taking the drug induced the symptoms. I would speak to your specialist and ask can you try a different one. I take venalfaxin albeit at a low dose without the problems. Any problems and I can try and send a you a llink
Hi - I know it is a while since this was posted. Just thought I'd add my bit since you may still be suffering with this. I took sertraline for about 18 months and quickly developed mandibular dystonia (my jaw clenched painfully, particularly at night). I've been off sertraline now for over two years and the dystonia is still with me. I've had a short course of Botox but other than that nothing. A few months ago I went back on another SSRI but only lasted days as the dystonia became unbearable. If anyone knows of a cure for this It would be much appreciated.
There is no cure as such Gilldy. It seems we just have to live with it. I’ve been told not to take any SNRI or SSRI. Sadly Tricyclic ADs started mine.
You have to look at the underlying trigger. The AD I took greatly increased my anxiety levels. It’s anxiety not the AD itself that’s the trigger for Dystonia.
I’ve now been recently given Pregablin, an anti epileptic drug which is licensed to treat General Anxiety Disorder (GAD). It’s not helping really as my anxiety is still very high.
People with Dystonia have low levels of dopamine. If you look that up you’ll see that there’s a list of symptoms of low dopamine. I tick the box for all of them ☹️

Thanks for this information - it's very interesting. I too tick most of the boxes for low dopamine, unfortunately I am already doing everything that is suggested to improve this. Not sure there's anything I can do.
If this continues I may ask my GP for a pharmaceutical licensed to deal with this problem.
My speech is very slow and all my movements are slow and laboured.
All the best to you 😉

I am sorry to hear this. Wishing you the very best. I hope your GP is open to this. ☺️
Dystonia is known to be triggered by both SNRI and SSRI and also Tricyclic ADs. These antidepressants block dopamine in susceptible patients