My initial symptoms started with balance issues. The way I would describe it is, say you were in a canoe for a long period of time and then you get on to land. It’s that feeling that you cannot sense the ground you are walking on. The technical term used by my doctor is, proprioception imbalance. This was after they ruled out vertigo, heart issues, blood pressure, stroke, MS (MRI, monitors, CT scans, nerve conduction and a thorough neurologist exam). My first symptoms started almost 2 years ago for me. I’m 47 years old now.
Shortly after my first symptom of proprioception issues (2 months aprox) I developed a head/tremor. I say head/neck as I cannot tell you exactly were the tremor is coming from. The tremor is my biggest concern now, as I think I’ve become used to and have adjusted to my balance issues.
My tremor is mostly Internal and is felt more when lying down or when waking up from sleeping. My External tremor appears when I’m stressed or anxious. My neck and upper thoracic area is very stiff. I do have the occasional quick spasms in my neck, abdominal area and jaw....again mostly when I’m lying down. I call them spasms but there is no pain associated with it, just like when you are falling asleep and you have quick whole body jolts. My jolts/spasms are felt in more confined areas of my body.
I was diagnosed with mild dystonia by my neurologist in Oct of 2019. I have accepted that diagnosis, however I don’t relate to the head/neck twisting as seen in typical dystonia patients. My main symptom is constant internal tremor and stiffness in neck and upper thoracic area.
Just wondering if anyone else had similar issues and if so, have they developed on to more sever form of dystonia?
My neurologist recommended that I do not have Botox at this point in time as my case is so mild, however this constant internal tremor is always in the background of my life and is getting to be very annoying and occupies my mind on a daily basis.
I have been prescribed an anti anxiety med however I feel it doesn’t do anything for the tremor and I don’t like taking medication as I feel it will only mask one problem and I’ll be faced with another from the medication side effects.
Just wondering if anyone can relate to my dystonia symptoms and if so, have your symptoms progressed.
Thank you for your time