Hello, I've just joined the group. My husband is dyslexic and was only diagnosed this year, even though he is 63. I have been searching for help on how to ease the friction caused by him now being at home all day as my carer, but not remembering what being my carer means.I didn't realise how much his thought processes were affected, and was getting angry when he couldn't remember to do the simplest things, which to me are obvious. I am almost completely housebound, and things like picking up dropped items are difficult for me. I could not understand why he didn't immediately pick the items up for me, but I now know it just doesn't occur to him. This will make things more difficult in the future as I become less mobile. I thought that repetition might help, I have written lists (trying not to make them into idiot boards) and try to keep routines. The moment I change something i.e. I don't want my breakfast as soon as I wake, then the whole day is challenging. He doesn't get me any food or drink for ages! It is not spiteful, he just has forgotten.
Just recently he has become changeable, and I think it may be depression, as he comes to realise he isn't remembering things. He can't seem to get going, and gets very cross at the slightest thing, or nothing. There is a lot going on in our lives, and there always has been, but he is just realising he has not been aware of it as he has been working. Our children are in their 30's, so our grandchildren are young and can't understand why he is different these days.
Has anyone any links to appropriate help lines, or experience in making things easier?