what's dyslexia classed as? - The Dyslexia Comm...

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what's dyslexia classed as?

7 Replies


As i had my test a few weeks ago and waiting for written report of that i got severe dyslexia (as don't know exact results yet) and wondering the meaning of whatever its a learning/ mental issues, so i am not frighten of being dyslexia or being serve deaf with speech. so put me at rest what's dyslexia classed as eg disability (as government health department doesn't class it as disability) or leaning/mental issues.

as i can't wait for my results as eager to learn my results and hopefully better myself eg education or learn new skills/interests/hobbies or whatever i fancy to do, but patience required which i do have unless its really important eg work issues as well hopefully that my friends, work colleagues, health authority may understand the situation of dyslexia or there again, should i do tell them or keep it quiet?!

so if any one got answers to my question(s) then i will be very happy of a reply

thank you


7 Replies
UaLiathain profile image

I'm on the other side of the world so I don't know what the policies in the UK are. I am discovering the worst thing about dyslexia is everyone "knows" what it is, and yet few really do. I told my husband "I can't be dyslexic because I could always read and the "B"s and "D"s don't flip on me. Oh sure I read slow because the letters hop around, but they do that to everyone." He assured me that was not normal. It's why I spent most of my life not knowing why I was "scatter-brained." Most dyslexics never find out and go through life thinking they are just "stupid."

The fact that no two dyslexics are alike just adds to the misconceptions. So I suppose the answer is how open-minded the friend is and whether they are willing to let go of preconceived ideas.

I'm glad your attitude is positive. Yeah, you have weaknesses but your dyslexia also gives you strengths you are not aware of. For instance, my husband said he was thinking about ways to turn a tarp into a tent, like a pup tent but it took intense concentration. He then asked me. "Can you see a pup tent in your mind? Where is it?" So I described the cedars, Douglas firs and ferns around it, the fire in front of it, the color of the tent, etc. He said all he could see was a tent on a blank background. That is so scary! I would NOT want to be cured of dyslexia and lose the world in my head.

Kanani profile image

Hello. Dyslexia comes under the definition of disability in the Equality Act of 2010 (See Part 2, Section A (A5). So the government does recognise dyslexia as a disability. Disability is a 'protected characteristic' (like race, age or sex) meaning it is unlawful to discriminate and 'reasonable adjustments' must be made. You need to get advice on your right to reasonable adjustments at work and I should think by your health provider.

Keep asking for advice. There are organisations who can support you - people on this website can probably point you in the right direction if you ask for something specific - like an agency in a particular part of the country.

Good luck!


in reply to Kanani


thank you for your reply as i keep finding some information about dyslexia eg GP don't see it as important as thou not required to put on my medical records! so i am seeing my disability adviser tomorrow and discuss my concerns etc and whats the best way forwards and let you know in future

teglote profile image
teglote in reply to Kanani


Kanani profile image

Politely insist that professionals you work with, including Doctors, put it on your medical records. You can explain that there may be situations where it may be important for those who may be looking after your health needs to know. For example, I find it very difficult to fill in forms. If I was in hospital for some reason, I would like them to know that I may need assistance.

Anyway, hope your meeting with the adviser went well! Even there you will need to advocate for yourself to make sure things are tailored to your needs. Your needs will also evolve as you get to know your strengths and difficulties.


rosetinted profile image

This is a really grey area. Colleges and schools must make allowance for a person with this, they call it a specific leaning difference. There is some help available, but it is limited by resources. There are so many dyslexics that no one really want to admit it is a disability in case it would cost them money. Even when combined with autism spectrum disorder still no funding. There is still a huge gap between those who understand dyslexia and the rest of society. Though the situation has improved since when i was at school when they thought shouting at me would scare me better but so many people have no idea of how difficult it is to live with in the modern world.

almaods profile image

Hi, anyone knows where i can get a free dyslexia assessment ?

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