My child was seen by an EP for dyslex... - The Dyslexia Comm...

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My child was seen by an EP for dyslexia for the first time.

Choc22 profile image
6 Replies

He scored low for memory, spelling, phonics and omitted words when reading. His fluency in reading is far lower than his comprehension. The EP said that he couldn't diagnose dyslexia as his literacy levels weren't low enough - even though all the traits are there and he needs help throughout the day and in lessons. Any pointers? Thanks

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Choc22 profile image
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6 Replies
Choc22 profile image

He also has handwriting problems that the EP didn't even touch on...

sulamaye profile image

hmm very annoying - my daughter is home educated and I was wondering about getting her an official diagnosis but from what you've written she won't get the label because her reading way exceeds her age, despite the fact she still misses words, can find it very difficult to sound out a long word as the letters seem to move around so she puts the r sound toward the beginning rather than end of the sylabel etc however from everything else I have read like your child she fits the dyslexia bill down to a tea. It seems they have a very very narrow understanding of dyslexia and don't see it as a spectrum disorder!! Crazy. Perhaps you could try asking for a second opinion, but I should think you had to fight pretty hard for the first. I bet if you paid for an independent report you may well get a different repsonse, I think the education system is probably cautious for financial reasons to give some children the label their parents know they need. I would reccommend home educating though if you can, you can go at the child's pace, my daughter is no longer constantly comparing herself to other children or having them compare - you've only written 4 lines I've written 20 for example - and I often find that I can really ensure a concept is in place before moving on and with maths this is great so at one point the number placement concept had holes in it so I left it for a bit, 6 months later she's got it fullly no problem. It just took her brain developing to that point so what is the point in pushing children to reach milestones (like writing your name at 2 years and 9 months Mr Gove????) before there are cognitively at that point yet?

Good luck let us know how you get on if you do ask for a second opinion.

FlemmingAst profile image

Try different tools like SkipMath for Dyslexia.

Choc22 profile image

Thanks for feedback. I do agree it comes down to £££'s but surely a child is dyslexic or not?

friendlylion profile image


Having read the above comments including your response, I would refer you to the (rather long-winded) comment i have just spent hours writing on the string 'I am dyslexia I wanna be normally' which I ended up writing whilst I had planned to write to your comment.

But here is something approaching the comment i planned to write anyway...

I dont know how useful you will find this comment, but I hope you will derive something from the fact that people may have empathy with you.

Even before i received my test / diagnosis [details on the post i referred to above] I was told by staff at the dyslexia centre that I might be surprised (the inference was 'disappointed' 'angry') with the result as all the staff had had it and were all told they were only 'slightly dyslexic'. Whilst they all believed they struggled immensely on a day to day basis because of difficulties associated with dyslexia, they were told that they were better able to function than those who simply could not read at all.

Choc22 profile image

Hi Friendlylion, I read your full response and I know where your coming from. My child, who's 9, feels 'not normal' and I believe this is because his strengths are not being grown and weaknesses are not being supported. I'm disappointed with the 'non diagnosis' for him but also unfortunately you have to fight for help in he education system nowadays. If there is no firm diagnosis there's little evidence to secure help for him with and the upward struggle begins. I have started making a stand with school so rather than watching him struggle with a task I will say point blank that he cannot do it so can they help him determine what works for him. Gone are the days I've done almost all of the work for him just to get it out the way!

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