My twelve step program taught me how to laugh again. Especially at myself. After they taught me to forgive myself for all the havoc I wrought when I was drinking. And after I made amends to the people I had harmed. When my program suggested that I choose a higher power to restore me to sanity (a metaphor) and convince me that I couldn’t stay sober without some form of help, something more powerful than myself, I scratched my head. I couldn’t go with the god thing. A long term sober person told me that she had the same problem. She decided to, temporarily, choose the coke machine in the corner for her higher power until she could sort it out 😳. I stopped wearing deodorant because of the alcohol content. Well, after a while someone gave me a gift of alcohol free deodorant. Lol What a friend. A client of mine showed up at a my meeting. We saw each other 👀, hugged and laughed. We had more in common than we thought. There were many hours of sitting with others and sharing funny stories of how we attempted to achieve sobriety by ourselves. Yes, alcoholism is a serious disease, but we try to poke fun at it, anyway.
The objective to be drink free isn’t to remain in the state we were before we stopped. It’s just the opposite. I’m happy, joyous and free now. I’ve gotten rid of that burden. What did I choose for my higher power? The twelve step program, of course. And that’s no laughing matter. 💪🏼