Hi guys! I mainly use this site to help with my anxiety but recently it feels as though the only way to cope with my anxiety is by drinking. I’m constantly drinking to not face the overwhelming feelings of my anxiety but it just has taken over my life & i cant go nearly a day without drinking. I guess I’m just lost & can use any advice. Thank u!
New here : Hi guys! I mainly use this site to... - Drink Free
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Hi I've been there luckily not for long I ended up drinking too much with them boxes of wine virus first came to my town issolated in my house from mam as been living with her I had PTSD, I'd left the boxes at my house so I could just get so much in bottle and take to mam's for occasional drinking as I'm prone to binging,I drank so much I felt so crap next day ended up having hair of dog intended one then was another binge,I ended up with low immune white cell count and low iron one of my liver counts was rediculously high this scared me so I stopped I struggled with this my dad died and I ended up falling over my cat and had bad bruised ribs 8 months later there still hurting with cold weather and was exercising, I ended up at AA you can call the help line there lovely people all with a different story to tell which I could relate to some of it, I stopped drinking by having a mint them chewy ones I had a sugar craving and when I got upset I turned to a mint,I also turned to non alcoholic the smell comforted me and I'd pretend it was real thing, It distracted me from turning to it for comfort my upset moods past you need something else to turn to I go in park taking photos come on here chatting and replying I'm on positive wellbeing it's better there I had no help on here just one binge drinker friend but she only drank weekends she's not here now I don't think,I just came on here by chance I ended up not going to AA twice due to transport and realised after reasearch binge drinking isn't alcoholism I tried different non alcohol drinks and I now mix non alcohol with alcohol or add hot water to red wine then you get a longer drink and still the comfort I built up again lately due to stress at home and some emotional heart ach bit I'm ok now just don't keep much in sending a hug 🤗🌟🌻
Thanks for this response! I’m sorry to hear about your loss & bruised ribs❤️ i defiantly need to call an AA hotline. Yes i wish for me binge drinking ends but unfortunately i just keep it going & doesn’t help my anxiety at all. The stress of it all gets to u for sure, hang in there one day at a time💛