Tiredness and depression it is now 18 months since out of the blue imhad a stroke and still get tired and sad. However we managed to go holiday in october i find that a short cruise is ideal As everything is ibm one place and the staff are all very helpful and aware of any disability( we went with P and O) the staff even cut up my meat if i needed it as i still have a problem with my left arm. There were also lots of wheelchairs on the cruise. I pushed myself as much as possible with wLking around the ship and the ports. When I returned home i realised that the exercise had reduced my tiredness and the effect of this had made me feel much better about myself so less depressed. I nderstand not everyone can manage this sort of holiday but it also did my husband the world of good he is my carer and this also made me less depressed. Try to have a few days break it may be hardbut it will be worth the effort. I still am frustrated by all the things i still cant do i uded to love being in the garden. Bu cant get down yo weed etc in case i cannot get up again i also did a otof knitting but havnt got the strength in my left hand to do it now. However onwards and upwards . At least i am still alive and that must be a bonus. Best of luck and love to all of us survivors.
Iredness and depression : Tiredness and... - Different Strokes
Iredness and depression

I too have Left side arm/ hand issues. I try to do things when I am alone to encourage the muscle- memory.
It does feel good to be out and “alive” with the rest of the world as it reminds us we are still a part of the big world🌐
After my stroke in 2014 i had and still have limited use down my left side. Like you all i wanted to do was get back to knitting. In the hospital they helped me to get started but find i still have trouble as the left side wont move the way it used to. I still went to my knitting group and can knit but not like before or as quick. Its hard but keep trying with the knitting, i hold the needles different takes longer and cant do some of the things i used to but getting there. My husband sew some of the things up that i cant as do club members. I managed to sew the buttons on but took me a while.
I used to be all over DIY. Now I've got about 30% use of my right arm and it's pants hahaha
What a lovely post ,glad you enjoyed your cruise.you are right pushing your self a little more does lift your mood.ive just had a great walk with my dog told my husband I couldn't do it .but I did it 🎉Happy days we all miss the old us !! But we are alive and living in the moment x