Hello, my husband had a mini stroke about 4 months ago. He was at work and come over with a funny feeling, ambulance was called the hospital were fantastic, the consultant wanted him to stay in for tests but he wouldn't!!!!! His had scans and ultrasounds which confirmed the mini stroke. I have noticed that he loses his temper so quickly and snaps at us all, just wondering if anyone else has a partner or family member like this, i have tried to tackle it but dont want to upset him.
Husband : Hello, my husband had a mini... - Different Strokes

My mum has just had a mini stroke and in the mean time she was having a full stroke. Keep a very close eye on him. X
I had a full stroke in July last year and I later went through a phase when my temper would suddenly kick in for little reason. It may have been cerebral irritation. My silly sense of humour has fortunately returned.

Hopefully he will get back to his sarcastic self lol
Is he receiving any treatment at all?
Tia's can but not necessarily be the precursor of a full stroke.
I've had 3 strokes that I'm aware of and about 30 that I've been unaware of according to my specialist.
I've always taken life in my stride but have become noticeably much more easy going, so yes of course emotions can change but in his case it could well be aggravated by the worry of it happening again. If he isn't talking about it then it's to be accepted that the stress of dealing with what's going through his head will come out in this way.
We have no control over strokes so it's understandable to worry if you're going to have another more serious one.
It could be from the anxiety too.
As he had any other tests?
Blood thinners? Statins?
His on loads of tablets 2 different b/p tablets, statins, blood thinning tablets, anti depressants then they found out his diabetic so his on tablets for that. Bless his heart he is dealing with so much at the moment
Hi Xxladyjxx I had a mini stroke 14 months ago and from what I have experienced and from what my family have told me is that you go through a whole range of emotions, unreasonable behaviour like refusing to accept it and not changing my lifestyle, I also went through a period were I was completely withdrawn and barely spoke, and then anger and fear.
The brain is repairing itself and it does odd things, my family were the same as you and tried not to upset me, but I wasn't aware of how I was behaving and needed to be told, it won't fix things right away but if your husband is aware of his behaviour he can try to modify it.
Thankfully I think I am getting back to near normal although I still have to be occasionally reminded.
I suppose it depends on your personality but I found that Family and friends laughing about the situations makes them easier to accept.
Hope this helps and keep going it does get better.