Well my kidneys finally decided enough was enough and after 3 years of bouncing along with a GFR of between 20-15 suddenly dropped to 9 and potassium soared to 7.4, so dialysis started. Apart from the obvious discomfort and boredom Its made a huge difference, I feel so much better already after only 2 weeks
What a Difference Dialysis Makes!!! - Dialysis Support
What a Difference Dialysis Makes!!!

Thank you - I say that because my GFR is 7 and so I start dialysis in the next few days and I'm feeling nervous. But your message has really helped me prepare for what's to come.
It can be a bit scary when you see the machines and all the blood tubes and needles but apart from the instant when they put the needle in, its all pain free (and when the good ones do it you hardly even feel it). If you drink coffee take a flask coz they only supply tea, but there are planty of biscuits doing the rounds.
The nice thing is that everyone is very friendly and do their best to keep you happy.
I'm sure it will go well for you.
Hi there, it is good news that dialysis is making you feel better and I really hope this continues for you. I suspect I will be finding out for myself shortly as I am CKD4 with 20% GFR and like you I have bounced around in my case from 17 to 21 since early April when they discovered it and who knows how long before then. Can I ask when you dropped to 9% did you feel ill or was this low level found during your routine blood test? What was the root cause of your kidney failure? Sorry to ask but I really want to know how long I can put of dialysis with my GFR at what it is.
I felt like total pooh!!!
My creatinine had shot up and potassium turned out to be 7.4 which was very bad.
I had tingling in fingers, couldnt concentrate kept fallig asleep but couldnt really sleep. felt nauseous, ligh headed - a bit like really bad flu without the temparatue.
I'e got huge stones that they cant shift which ahave a resident infection and it was a big flare uup that caused the sudden final drop.
Hope that helps
Sorry you had to go through that, I guess I have all that to come. Aside from feeling tired and only very recently (over the last week or so) light headed just like you described flu without the temperature, I am ok. I am learning so much more about this condition than my doctor has told me. I am very pleased you are feeling better with the dialysis. I have had every test under the sun and the docs still have no idea why my kidneys are failing. They have given up trying to find out so it is just a waiting game now but so far they are holding up at 20%. Take care and thank you again.
Mine bumped around between 20 & 14 for about 4 years, but I felt fine except tired until it fell below that. Best thing is that there is no point in worryng about wheat will inevitably happen just keep going until it does and then work it nto your life seems too best philosophy. The nice thing is that everyone in the pre-access clinic, the pre dialysis nurse and the dialysis teams are all so immensly postive and friendly.