what dialysis is the best : - Dialysis Support
what dialysis is the best

Having only experienced haemodialysis I cannot make an informed response. However we did look into peritoneal dialysis in quite some detail and decided that, for us, it would not suit our lifestyle. If you are a younger person and you sleep well then I have been told that nocturnal peritoneal dialysis does work. We were in the hospital earlier this month and I spoke to a young man who had it pretty much sewn up. He said that he felt it was a gentler form of dialysis and would preserve his kidney function much better as he was waiting for a transplant. His only problem was that it had given him a hernia and he was in for this to be repaired. Haemodialysis is a pain in more ways than one. You have to tailor your life around the three days but you do have time away from the unit. We have had big problems with the fistula so this is a definite and painful downside. Either way I find that renal failure is a constant worry. Hope you are eligible for transplant as of all the option this must be the best.
I too have only experience the one type of dialysis but that was because of previous surgery. I would advise you to try to talk to a few people who are already receiving treatment and discuss the pros and cons of the treatments available. Think about your lifestyle and how dialysis will fit in with it. What ever you decide I wish you the very best.