Pl suggest glucometer price with good company name.
I want to buy
Pl suggest glucometer price with good company name.
I want to buy
Thanks Anup
At present i buy in 1450/ with 25 strips.
Can you pl share agent in gujarat so i buy more strips from him.
It is unsafe to reuse a lancet so many times. Maximum use it for testing for a few hours - e.g. fasting & PP. You are exposing yourself to infection beyond that.
I am using ONETOUCH.The strips 25 cost around Rs 800/ Some times there is discount of 10%. There are some codes and procedure.Not followed the code, the strip is waste. Go for this if u can handle code stuff.
Code has to be changed everytime you have a new bottle of strips. It is quite simple actually. Everytime you start your monitor or put a strip in the monitor, it asks u to check the code (a 2-digit number). U can change it when u have a new set of supplies.. I am using One Touch Ultra at the moment and it is working fine.
The notification on the cartel reads valid for six months from date of opening the box. Beware and go according to instruction of the manufacturer.
You can anytime go for meter by YEPSOMED they are good
I am also using One Touch and i find results differ if blood is tested from lab.What is correct i am bit cofused Secondly I am told that Expiry date on strip bottle doesnt matter .It can be used even after a year of expiry date.
glucometer generally used r temperature dependent .d result with the same sample of blood change with in different temperature . it is better to go to best lab of a city .