Accuracy of Glucometer Accu Check ACTIVE Yesterday I had checked up FSB-81 at 6.00 am, and blood test at pathology showed it 127 at 08.30. is any one of them wrong or is there any reason by which the blood sugar rises empty stomach for more time? Further is there any calibration check or self check for the meter?
Accuracy of Glucometer Accu Check ACTIVE - Diabetes India
Accuracy of Glucometer Accu Check ACTIVE

Glucometer may show erratic result . If the strip is new you may rely. Also the software of the glucometer can be corrupt after few years. Pathology Labs also show wrong results , because of insincerity. They may give you somebody else's report. Usually HS pass boys /under-qualified people do the tests. Except very repute labs not sure whether qualified doctors do the tests. Even it is doubtful whether the calibration of the machines in labs are checked, whether machines are repaired in time. It's all money sucking society. Integrity of the labs always doubtful . Indians lack in sincerity (exceptions are there). If you are in fasting BS cannot normally increase over time.
However Diabetes is a difficult subject. Even PP can be less than fasting.Evidences are there. Diabetes is not only about insulin and sugar,other hormones also have effect.
Better test yourself with fresh strips and new machines. Even Doctors give medicines by trial and error. The strips gets oxidised if open to air and can show wrong result. Do in 3 successive occasions to decide the value . Continue exercise and proper low calorie diet, diabetes will be under control.

Thanks diptasu, First thing is that I am using new strips (expiry August 2016) and the bottle is very rarely opened. Generally I remove 10-15 strips from a new bottle and put them in other bottle which may be opened twice or thrice a day and so on. Secondly the lab is reputed one i.e. Suburban Diagnostics a chain of pathology in Mumbai. The HbAC1 is 6.7.
6.7 is a good value , Dont worry , How old are you ? Try to keep within 6 , then you are extremely fine . You have to learn how to live with diabetes as diabetes can be controlled but not cured

Thanks diptasu for a very prompt reply, I am 62+ now. And following LWMDR for last 45 days. I do fixed physical work out like 5 floor staircase up and down six times followed by 3 Km brisk walk (optional) and 20 minutes yoga. Last 45 days I have totally stopped the sugar/sugarfree intakes and even tea black or green without milk or sugar as a result I have reduced my weight by 4 Kgs (82 to 78). After a long time yesterday I had rice for lunch without starch (washing away the starch by adding water and filtering after boiling) and the post lunch after two hours was 120. As I had bypass last year Doctor had advised me Novomix 30 penfill (insulin) 24 units in the morning and 18 units in the night. However after starting the LWMDR as the BS was falling so by trial I have reduced the doses to 2/3 i.e. 16 and 12 respectively and the result is HbA1C 6.7. I just have some doubts like which all pulses, vegetables etc we should avoid. Can egg be taken some time. Further all pathological reports and almost within limit except the desirable HDL cholesterol is 31.5 which should not be below 40(high risk). Doctor say it increases by exercise but when. If you have any suggestion please give I shall be highly obliged.
If shootergeorge sir is viewing this post you are requested to give your expert advice. Thanks
You are doing too much exercise , but as you are tolerating that is fine and encouraging .Novamix is a mix of longacting and shortacting insulin. I had a cardio attack and a block found in angiogram . Used this insulin. By trial and error could reduce the dose and finally got rid from insulin. Now only on two tablets. Hb1AC 6.7 is quite good . You are healthy . I don't have idea whether LW can be a replacement to medicines. Exercise itself and lowered doses could suit you. Try in consultation with your treating physician . Good luck

Thanks diptasu, I have started the LW only with a view to reduce the BS level. If it cures well and good if not alteast it is helping to reduce the BS level and get rid of insulin.

dear Shri Diptansu
I am testing bs with Bayers contour gluco meter. My ppbs is 160 after 2 hours, 140 after 2 and half and between 110 to120 after three hours. After four hours is less than 100. What does it indicate. In Nov 2015 my HBA1C was 6.8. I shall be thankful for your reply and analysis
It appears your results are natural. HB1AC 6.8is a good value. Stop worrying

Thanks diptasu.

thanks a lot. I test my bs twice a day fbs and pp. It flauctutes . If it is 130 today ,next day it is 160 or 120. Why it is so and what is the best measure to arrive at any conclusion
SCP the fluctuations are mainly for three reasons. Firstly if your sugar is under control then, depends on (a) what ate the previous day/night. (b) The Glucometer must have gone uncalibrated. Secondly if the sugar is not under control there are chances of fluctuations. Under the circumstances better to consult a better diabetologist.
Glucose levels vary due to many factors. Stress increases glucose levels. The way you test with Glucometer also matters. The correct method in taking fasting glucose level is to prick the finger. Wipe out the first droplet of blood, squeeze more blood from the same prick and use that blood on the glucose testing strip. That said the glucometers do give faulty results. Even labs give faith results - in fact one is not very sure if the lab has actually tested or just manipulated figures. From that angle it is better to keep three glucometers for testing the blood from the same prick and then average out the readings. Hope I have answered your question. 😊
thank you very much for the response. I have tested using two gluco meter simultaneously and observer a difference of 2-4. Then I stopped using two at a time as the strips are costly. How does it matter , the first drop are the second drop of blood. Some one else(not in this forum) also suggested. Whether Pricking fingers every day has has any adverse effect in the long run?
Thanks SCP_123 & TRULYSPEAKING for your guidance.