Hello Everyone. My father is diabetic and has undergone kidney transplant 5 years ago. Can he consume sugar free chyawanprash
Hello Everyone. My father is diabetic and ... - Diabetes India
Hello Everyone. My father is diabetic and has undergone kidney transplant 5 years ago. Can he consume sugar free chyawanprash

How is your father's health, all blood numbers, blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood glucose.
Any special medication, and daily diet? Is your father on a total sugar free diet?
Why are you asking on this specific product?
He is normal..but takes insulin, medication for high BP and sugar.
I am asking for this product because I am not sure whether this can be given or not.
According to the web site there is very little information. Please take look at this link below and you can decide which produce to go for but you need to check with your doctor first before purchasing this product. Doctors may not have the knowledge on products.
Also you need to check for reaction between medication and this product.
Take care.

Hi and welcome to the group, sj_04 . Please feel free to continue posting and commenting anytime.😀👍🌈
Is your father type 1, 2 or 1.5 (LADA)? Is he on any medication for Diabetes? Does he use insulin? Did his doctor say he was going to need to count carbs. for each meal and snack? Does he have any allergies to certain medications?
I think he can. I have studied Homoeopathy and an RMP. Besides, I ((79) have T2DM, too.
I mean I have studied Homoeopathy and am a Registered Medical Practitioner, and was appointed Life Member, Advisor and Tutor of Homoeopathy by Grace Medical Mission, Mavelikara in 2000. Besides, I have T2DM, too.

Dear sj_4
If your father had kidney transplant, you need to be careful while giving any supplement without his Nephrologist recommendation...
Chawanprash may be good....as it has 50-60% Amla which is a known ingredient... But apart from Amla , there are another dozen of herbal ingredients for which there is no scientific data available as to how the transplanted kidney will respond .. .
In my view, chawanprash can enhance immunity of the body to a great extent....and your father may be taking at least 3 kind of immune suppressants to lower Immunity so that the transplanted kidney don't get rejected by the body....
Therefore chawanprash will work opposite to the allopathy medicines like Vingraf, Panagraf, Mofilet , cyclosporine, Aziothioprin, Prednisolone..... etc etc...
My advice would be any kidney transplant patient would need the consultation of a Nephrologist very very strictly at every stage....
If your Endochrinologist/ diabetologist changes diabetic medicine, it needs approval from the Nephrologist... Because there could be drug interactions and the immuno suppressants may lose its efficacy leading to kidney rejection....
Stay safe , stay healthy God bless you 🙏
Dabur brings to you Dabur ChyawanPrakash that gives you Immunity in a sugar-free format. It contains no added sugar, and is suitable for Diabetics.
After a kidney transplant, plan to follow a diet low in salt and high in fiber. A balanced diet includes a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, reduced-fat dairy products, whole grains, and plenty of water.
Since your father has had a kidney transplant please be very careful in giving chyavanprash . Check with the Drs if its ok as it has many herbs and Amla . Besides being high in micro nutrients ,magnisium and pottasium . Please seek medical advice before giving .
Bbe cautious. Even Sugar free has stevia or some other sweetners which again are having issues though less than normal sugar. I feel best is to get it made locally without any sweetners at all. My father used to make without any sweetners evne though he was perfetly healthy as yoga practitioner and as kid we didn't like that as it was not good in taste. So ifyou can get hold of some naturopath etc who can make it for you its best in my opinion.