Is the creatnine level 1.43 high?
Creatnine level: Is the creatnine level 1.4... - Diabetes India
Creatnine level

Do you mean creatinine?
A normal result is 0.7 to 1.3 mg/dL (61.9 to 114.9 µmol/L) for men and 0.6 to 1.1 mg/dL (53 to 97.2 µmol/L) for women.
Women usually have a lower creatinine level than men. This is because women usually have less muscle mass than men. Creatinine level varies based on a person's size and muscle mass.
Microalbuminuria test may also be conducted.
He said nothing to worry about it is normal
There is a slight variance in ranges in males and females and from lab to lab . Above 1.1 needs some caution . Extra intake of water in some cases brings down the level.

@ prasha..... It is bit high.. other things need consideration include stricter control over diabetes, stricter control over BP, amount of protein intake, symptoms like swelling on legs,Low hunger, weakness, fatigue,fever, Low urine volume, low eGFR,cough, Nausea, metallic taste, memory loss, high lipids, platelet dysfunction,Edima..-AnemiaHb<10
-Hyperkalemia due to decreased k excretion.>5.5.
Acidemia-due to decrease in H excretion
,hyperphosphetemia due to decreased phosphate excretion and binding of phosphate to calcium... Pls keep close watch on these things... Also needs to
check whether there is sudden rise in s. Creatinine or steadily increading or is fairly remaining in the same range.... In my case,it is around 1.4 over last 5 years.Not progressive as i have maintained A1c around 5.8 and BP at about —110/75.... hence other listed paramters and symptoms are also within normal range.. Measure MicroAlbuminurian every 3 months, as it gives early signs of kidney disfunction.