Fortune vivo or olive oil? Which is better?
Oil for diabetes: Fortune vivo or olive oil... - Diabetes India
Oil for diabetes

Fortune Vivo has attracted some adverse action from Indian food regulatory authorities. Please check.
Fortune Vivo is not OK. Our daily requirement of Olive Oil is only few drops. Trying Virgin Coconut oil is better.
Which action?
I came across this write up while doing google search.
cannot access the link as it is for paid subscribers only, grateful if you can give the points please as i am using vivo for my diabetes
such claims often mislead but you should give a try before coming to the decision.
I found this article:
I too could not access the complete article.But what I could make out is that the claim that VIVO cures diabetes is questioned and notices were issued to the company accordingly.If you are using this oil thinking it will take care of your diabetes,you should do some fact finding so that you are not misled.

Please consult your doctor before using the Fortune Vivo. It is a blood sugar lowering oil.
Olive is better.
Coconut oil.
Virgin Olive Oil & Coconut Oil
There is at least one study showing that olive oil, when eaten alone without vegetables (fiber) can cause arteriosclerosis. If you're diabetic, it's best to stay off unsaturated oils altogether. Or better still, do not cook your food with oil, IMO.
STEAM cook your food (instead of fry, bake, roast, boil with [unsaturated] cooking oils). As one spiritual master pointed out once, doing that (cooking food with oil/fats) would disturb the "Jatharagni" (digestive fire) and this, according to him, would lead to diabetes and heart disease.
Once in a while, you may add a little (like one tbsp) saturated oil - coconut oil, ghee, olive or sesame oil, but only AFTER the food has been cooked. You might not be aware of this: that oil/fats, according to experimental/empirical studies, prevent glucose from being properly metabolized/absorbed by the body and worse, it seems to be CAUSATIVE of the metabolic syndrome of which T2DM is one manifestation. This is called the 'Randle Cycle' effect. Here's one extract from an article (no [1] of the links below)
“In 1963, P.J. Randle clearly described the inhibition of glucose oxidation by free fatty acids. Later, when lipid emulsions came into use for intravenous feeding in hospitals, it was found that they blocked glucose oxidation, lowered the metabolic rate, suppressed immunity, and increased lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress.”
“On a diet LACKING the “essential” unsaturated fatty acids, Benhamou (1995) found that nonobese diabetic mice didn’t develop diabetes, that is, the UNSATURATED FATS themselves, without obesity, ARE SUFFICIENT TO CAUSE DIABETES.”
“But when cells are exposed to PUFA [polyunsaturated fatty acids], their ability to use glucose is BLOCKED, increasing their exposure to these fat.”
"Alleviating the excess of free fatty acids is a target for the treatment of insulin resistance." (extract from link [2] below )
[5] Unsaturated Vegetable Oils: Toxic -
The proof of the pudding is in eating it as the saying goes. So, I decided to start steam cooking about a month ago, and also adopted the recipe of NOT adding a single drop of cooking oil. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to carry it out. The smell of freshly steamed rice + added presoaked veges like carrots, radish, potatoes, pumpkin, mushroom is simply wonderful. The battle has just begun, so only time will show how well it impacts one's health and solve current health issues.
Interestingly, it has already helped me realize how entrenched I've been re the belief that oil is needed in cooking. Breaking away from this culturally-inherited belief/practice was not easy for me, so am I glad that all that is behind me now. And it has afforded a welcome cut to my grocery bill too. Stuffs produced by nature already contain their own neat fatty acid composition / proportions and frankly, trying to work out their relative fatty acid percentages to please some scientific folks isn't on the menu. Yes, as you nicely pointed out, walking the middle path is a wise decision to make. Still, I feel the rare or occasional indulgence can't be ruled out completely
Making basic dietary changes like that should come before the use of supplements and yes, this includes Pharma drugs too. They can and do provide temporary, symptomatic relief - useful but may not work satisfactorily in the long run as I've found out.
No oil is good for health consume it in minimum quantity try coconut oil but in moderation