Raising Awareness of Diabetes in India, 🌏 - Diabetes India

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Raising Awareness of Diabetes in India, 🌏

β€’33 Replies

Hello everyone,

I read that the first diabetes awareness day in India was in November 2017 and I'm interested in how you feel about this and if any one else is interested in raising awareness for the benefit of future generations.

I am not diabetic nor am I Indian, however I am a diagnosed coeliac of 25 years and a food lobbyist for over 20 years. Now because I am a coeliac-foodie and on a mission, a mission to spread awareness for the benefit of improving 'our' health. And as diabetes and coeliac are not choice diets, I have a lot of empathy will all of you. So I'm happy to get involved with this.

I am asking this because I have some ideas and have been involved in registering and organising awareness events. So I have some ideas but it's up to you all if you are interested in raising awareness of diabetes, then now's your chance.

Stay healthy and enjoy your day.

Jerry 😊

33 Replies
ShadowDee profile image

HI Hidden my husband just recently got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I think we're getting there on the diet. I can't do all the recipes due to me having IBS. I have to stay away from wheat, gluten, and milk products.

And my life is interesting. My daughter is a vegetarian. LOL

I would be interested :)

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to ShadowDee

Thank you for the great comment, ShadowDee .πŸ˜€

in reply to ShadowDee

Thank you ShadowDee and your life is indeed interesting, so I will keep you informed on this,

Jerry 😊

Praveen55 profile image

Hi Jerry,

Please let us know your ideas.

Hi Praveen55, I suggest we as members take part in International Diabetes Awareness month which is in November.

Even register it as such and I'm happy to take care of that. When you create an awareness event/date you want a snazzy name and you could have a sort of acronym like Diamond month.

Spreading awareness is about getting everyone to engage and talk openly about a subject so school children are aware of diabetes and then it can be dealt with sooner and better. It doesn't cost money to spread awareness its how we go about it.

It strikes me that some people are diagnosed and feel lost and threatened and you have the facility here to collate lots of info and concentrate your energy and feel part of something.

I know that none of you know me but Activity2004 invited me to be admin on here and this is how I want to help. So its entirely up to you all.


Jerry 😊

ramana42 profile image

There is not much awareness about diabetes,leave alone diabetes day.Most cases are detected while going for a surgery or health screening at office etc.Few well educated and well off people may go for health check up but a vast majority just do not bother,primarily due to absence of universal health coverage.Private insurance is expensive and the service is not always good.Diabetes is a ticking time bomb in India and the authorities are not bothered enough about it.

in reply to ramana42

Thanks raman42, then lets do something about it.

Praveen55 profile image

I fully agree with your ideas. We can definitely help spread the awareness. According to me some of the focus areas are Obesity and Over-consumption of Carbohydrate in our modern lifestyle, both being the leading cause of T2D and they are inter-related. Somehow, most of the government agencies world wide have been slow to act on these.

in reply to Praveen55

Thank you Praveen55, you're right of course we can do it by getting together and talking about it and spreading awareness ourselves.

We can have a topic section on here for raising awareness ideas and then well before November we can be prepared. this is what I suggest.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

The title can go under the Topics section. We can call it Awareness.

Activity2004 profile image

Everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and ideas. As a group, I think it’s a great idea to get more information and awareness to the group in general.

in reply to Activity2004

Thank you Leah 😊

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

You’re welcome, Hidden !πŸ˜€

Luckysugar profile image

That's awesome Jerry, thanks for taking action on this. This awareness will benefit both diabetics and non-diabetics. I look forward to getting involved to this campaign.

in reply to Luckysugar

Thank you Luckysugar.

Activity2004 profile image

I will be sending a note very soon, Hidden .

Activity2004 profile image

Please check your private messages, Hidden . I just sent the note right now. It's going to be okay.

Hi Fatbuddy, I did answer Praveen's question, I want to help you guys spread awareness to help prevent the inevitable and to help collate information about all aspects of diabetes in India.

So I'm on your side and taking your frustration out on me will only make you feel worse.


sattu1959 profile image

Hi Jerry. I am type 2 diabetic patient for the last 15 years. In the year 2011 I had to undergo amputation of my left major toe due to gangerine and then again in 2015 I had to undergo CABG.I will be thankful to you if you keep posting your findings in this forum.

in reply to sattu1959

Hi Sattu1959, thank you and thank you for sharing your story and I'm sorry for what you've been through.

Hi Fatbuddy, I’m very sorry to hear this and it sounds like a vicious circle to me, so maybe we should see if there’s a way to change things.

Do you have access to quinoa, that’s a super food and here’s a link about its benefit for diabetics and everyone:

Please see:


I will tell you something else Fatbuddy! I’m a diagnosed coeliac so I’m made very ill by gluten so I get what you all feel and we all feel it’s not fair why me...

And good luck.

Activity2004 profile image

Hidden ,

Not everyone that joins the group has to be a Diabetic. Some members are on the group because they have a friend or family member who is/had been diagnosed with diabetes and diabetes-related medical issues.

You’re not making sense Fatbuddy saying you eat mostly wheat and rice but know about quinoa. Then eat it.

If you just want to get angry because no body is doing any thing then do something and take responsibility so you’re not blaming every body else.

And I’m NOT going to have an argument with anyone...


Activity2004 profile image

Hidden ,

I just sent a note to you right now. Please check your private messages.

sattu1959 profile image

Thank you very much sir.Hoping to hear from you very soon sir.

in reply to sattu1959

Thank you my friend 😊

Then do something about it Fatbuddy, like start a lobby group and lobby for what you believe in as this is empowering.

Type 2 Diabetes is becoming a world crisis so we as members of the world community have to stand together and work together.

Hi Fatbuudy, what if people realised that a reduction off just 1Kg in body weight can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 16%.

What if people realised that if they ate a healthier diet and had more exercise they could further reduce the risk. This does not cost money it takes awareness so people understand and realise that they can do something.

Diabetes and obesity is a crisis in the UK, the US as well as India, China and all over the world, so we need to get the word out so that people can do something positive for themselves.

This is all that awareness is its not a billion dollar expense its word of mouth it is raising our consciousness. So we become the solution and not the problem.

Thats my 2cents worth.


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

That's a fantastic way of putting the word awareness, Hidden . Thank you for mentioning it.

in reply to Activity2004

Thank you Leah, to me real awareness helps us make the right choices in what we put on 'our' plates and in our life style choices, so its no body else's fault.

And we reap the benefits, so its win win 😊

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

I couldn't have said it better myself!:-)

Activity2004 profile image

Hidden ,

The members of the group can decide if they are going to read/not read something on the forum(s). That is everyone's choice-- even the Administrators from all groups/forums/communities. It depends on what the person is interested in reading about and when.

Activity2004 profile image

We get more members participating in the group, but it depends on the topic/postings that are being posted by everyone. If someone sees a posting/topic they are wanting to reply to, then they do. If they don't see anything, then they won't. It's all up to the particular person, too. Hope this makes sense.

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