Can anyone advise how to reduce triglycerides.
Triglycerides: Can anyone advise how to... - Diabetes India

Can fasting insulin be checked in any pathological lab?
Avoid consumption of alcohol.
High triglyceride levels may be due to :--
* Cirrhosis or liver damage
* Diet low in protein and high in carbohydrates
* Underactive thyroid
. Check your thyroid stimulating hormone.
* Nephrotic syndrome (a kidney disorder)
Other medicines such as female hormones
Poorly controlled diabetes
Disorder passed down through families in which there are high amounts of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
Adopt low-carbohydrate and high fat diet.
Triglyceride levels are also reduced by moderate exercise and by consuming omega-3 fatty acids from algae, fish, flax seed oil, and other sources.
To lower triglycerides lower your grain carbohydrates and saturated and trans fats. Take fish oil, eat fatty fish,eat walnuts, almonds, and,avocados and fruits and vegetables
Dr Eli
The most vital thing in reducing triglyceride is physical excercise and healthy life style. No other thing can reduce triglyceride.
simple .avoid all saturated fats,eggs,switch to safflower oil max 3tsp a day,avoid palm,coconut and mustard oil
you are partly right that sugars indirectly raise TGL.
It is not a myth for saturated fats to raise TGL in diabetics,since their handling of fat is impaired.
High carbs incl sugars, Alcohol & fruits along with insulin resistance & impaired liver will spike TG
Get the carbs down.