My hbiac is 6 and now pre sugar level r at 100 -115 and post sugar level r at 150-155 previously one tym it had shown post sugar at 185 plz suggest me m I diabetic or not .My age is 38
Suggestion: My hbiac is 6 and now pre sugar... - Diabetes India

In my opinion,you are not a full blown diabetic.But I would strongly advise you as follows,to avoid diabetes in future.
1.Keep monitoring at regular intervals to assure yourself'
2.Be careful with what and how much you eat.Do not indulge with sugary food.
3.Do not lead sedentary life.Exercise,even moderately,on a regular basis.
4.If possible reduce weight by few kilos and maintain at that level.
5.Do not feel tense about the likelihood of diabetes.Stress of any kind is one of the factors that triggers diabetes.
But sir till wat tym I should follow this diet strictly ?
As you monitor your sugar levels regularly,you will able to arrive at balance.You can decide as to what best do as go along.
Sir my height is 6.1 and my wt was 103 now I m weighing 99 Anup sir say I m diabetic ?
Sir my wt is now 97 and my pre sugar levels r 95 plz suggest
Sunny 1979-You are a diabetic but in very early easily controllable stage. Your immediate effort should be directed towards reducing weight.Lesser weight will help you in more ways than one.You are relatively young and it should not be difficult for you
It is defined as having a blood glucose level that is higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. The cutoff for pre-diabetes is a fasting blood sugar of 100 mg/dl. ... The other determiner of pre-diabetes is a blood sugar level two hours after eating carbs of 140 to 199 mg/dl.Nov 17, 2010

Important point,it is better to act with caution now.You may err,but be on the safer side.The suggestions that I had given earlier hold good for a typical diabetic.You are lucky that you are aware before any damage is done.If you act now,it is possible to completely safe range.I feel that your weight is definitely on the higher side.More you reduce it,better it would be to resolve the problem.

All the best.You are sure to get exceptionally good results.