How do you manage your stress in daily life?
How do you manage your stress?: How do you... - Diabetes India
How do you manage your stress?

I read, go on the internet and talk with friends and family. I also try to do extra walking.
Find ways to deal with the 'stressor' (s) but in the meantime I will change the environment and do something I like eg hiking or swimming.
one has to define oneself and find out the things that you love to do and work more on it, to combat routine formula, one could adopt a few tasks that are interesting and alternate with time and days of week, in all this one should expect commercial realities and it is purely hobbies involving physical, psychological, emotional activities and it works. If one is caught up in a muddle of socioeconomic confrontation, then seek advise from experienced and /or take it and face it as a challenge.
Do holidays at least for 2-4 weeks.....
Stress!!! Kya leke aya tha kya leke jayega ? Jab upervale ne janam diya hai to problem to rahega or solution bhi rahega.only thing u hv to keep patience and keep trust on god. Hamare haath me kuch nahi hai. Bas achche karma karte raho raste apne ap khul jayenge.
Above thing make stress free life. Enjoy life with little beat care.
It is not stress , by itself which is dangerous. It is our response to stress that spoils our health.
Stress is always going to be part of our daily life. We are humans and we are part of a society. But then how we handle stress is our decision. I can not be insulted if I chose not to allow you to insult me.
You think, it is easy to advise..
No... It is a matter of cultivating this attitude gradually, inch by inch.
Try Yoga.
Your body reacts to stress by releasing hormones. These hormones make your brain more alert, cause your muscles to tense, and increase your pulse. In the short term, these reactions are good because they can help you handle the situation causing stress. This is your body's way of protecting itself.