hi, my dad age is 68 years old right now..and he has taken reclide xr 60 medicine by replacing his insulin injection but since from day before yesterday his sugar level is increasing at high level and today when i saw the figure of prefood sugar level it has shown 289mg and postfood has 349mg. so what to do now he is not willing to admit in the hospital so what precautions or what kind of things we have to follow to lower the sugar level
Emergency required info from the diabetologis - Diabetes India
Emergency required info from the diabetologis

Medicine will not do it. The only thing other is to change the diet that has made him sick.
Look to Anup's site and make the changes necessary.

First get fasting insulin fbs and tsh done. Anup will help you find out your father's bcf and ir. Depending on that you have to decide if he can take 100g 50g or keto range carbs. Also get hba1c, lipid profile and microalbuminuria done. Get abdomen scan done.
Dear. Diet is the first and the only effective " medicine "
If you don't get satisfactory improvement from the suggestions here, please feel free to respond to this comment.
Dear Sir,
We can control Diabetes with our diet, healthy habits and positive attitude.
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All The Best